May 9, 2016


Happy Birthday:


*Attention 6th and 7th graders: If you would like to be a Peer Helper next year, please see Ms Green or come to the office and pick up an application packet.

The Yearbook signing party will be this Friday at 2:00pm.  The cost is $2.00 and you will receive a sharpie.

*Middle School Basketball tryouts will be today and tomorrow after school in the MMS Gym until 5pm.

*This Thursday is the Talent Show at 1pm.  The cost to attend is $2.00.

*The MMS Band Concert will be held Thursday night at 6pm.

*Wednesday MMS will be shadowing day for the current 5th graders coming to MMS.  Please be on your best behavior for our guests.

*A/B Honor Roll students need to turn in their permission slip forms to Ms. Ritch asap.

*There are free Yoga classes this summer at the University of Montevallo from June 6-10.  If you are interested pick up a flyer in the front office.

*Congratulations to the student of the week:  Chloe Boyd.  She was nominated by Ms. Green.  Mrs Green states that as a Peer Helper Chloe is always willing to do anything needed and anything asked of her.  This week she mediated a dispute between 3 students and did an outstanding job! Her positive and encouraging nature helped to resolve a sticky situation.

 Have a Marvelous Monday