May 12, 2016


Happy Birthday: Selena Perez and Daniela Guzman


 *The Talent Show will be today at 1pm. You must show your 6th period teacher your $2.00 before you leave the class and wait each grade level is called by Mrs. Lewis.

*All books are due today, NO EXCEPTIONS.  Bring your books to your English Language Arts class and your teacher will collect them. If you have lost your book, you need to pay for the cost of the book as soon as possible or you won’t be able to attend SPRING FLING on May 24th.  Again, ALL books are due today.

*The Yearbook signing party will be tomorrow at 2:00pm.  The cost is $2.00 and you will receive a sharpie. You do not have to have purchased a yearbook to attend the party.

*8th grade girls Volleyball try outs have been moved to next Wednesday and Thursday after school at the high school from 3-5.

*The MMS Band Concert will be held tonight at 6pm.

*Soccer Paperwork (physical and consent form) is due to Mrs. Thomas tomorrow for soccer workouts next Tuesday and Thursday

*Attention 6th and 7th graders: If you would like to be a Peer Helper next year, please see Ms Green for an application packet.  The applications are due tomorrow. (Friday)

*Today’s lunch menu has been switched with tomorrow’s menu.

*There are free Yoga classes this summer at the University of Montevallo from June 6-10.  If you are interested pick up a flyer in the front office.

*Please turn in your elective sheets for next year to your 4th period teacher. They are due tomorrow.

Have a Thankful Thursday