August 22, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Restraint or Self Control

*Quote of the Day: “He is strong who conquers others, he who conquers himself is mighty”   Lao Tzu

*Happy Birthday:


*This Thursday is Athletic Day.  Students will be able to wear sweats or athletic type pants if you pay $2.00.  The money will go to the PTO fund.  If you wear sweats or athletic pants, please wear shorts underneath the pants.

*The first Volleyball game is this Thursday at Isabella.  The first home football game is also on Thursday against Columbiana.  We will have a pep rally and be on an activity schedule.

*Students please sell the Pecans for the Pecan Fundraiser.  All proceeds will go to MMS.  The fundraiser will end on September 6th.

*Congratulations to the student of the week: Alyse Jones.  She was nominated by Mr. Rogers for demonstrating the character traits of service, cooperation, and leadership.  She has been helping Mr. Rogers every morning set up and get ready for band.


Have a Marvelous Monday