August 30, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Perseverance

*Quote of the Day: “I never failed once. I invented the light bulb. It just happened to be a 2,000 step process” Thomas Edison

*Happy Birthday: Melissa and Ashley Scott


*Tonight there will be a home football game beginning at 6:00pm.

*The LOT students will be on a field trip today to the Boy’s and Girl’s Club

*Students please sell the Pecans for the Pecan Fundraiser.  All proceeds will go to MMS.  The fundraiser will end on September 6th.  Those who turn in order forms will get two tardy to class passes.  The top seller for each grade level will receive an I Tunes Gift Card.

*Students please collect box tops.  For every 10 box tops that you turn into the office, you will receive two tardy to class passes.

. *This Friday will be break so make sure that you do not have any tardies or silent lunches if you want to attend break.


Have a Terrific Tuesday and Good Luck Bulldogs Tonight