September 27, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Sportsmanship

*Quote of the Day: Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” ― Michael Jordan

Happy Birthday: Kavounte Britton and Kali Yancy


*Tonight is the Homecoming Game.  The game begins at 6pm and the team is playing Vincent.

*Today we will be on an Activity schedule for the Pep Rally.

*If you are not caught up on all of your schoolwork, you will not attend the Pep Rally today.

*COTS will be this Friday.  Your 4th period teacher will tell you which COT you are assigned to and which room to report to.  If you do not have all of your schoolwork done, you will not be allowed to attend COTS and will attend intervention COTS instead.

*Tomorrow the 4-H club will make a presentation to the 7th graders during PE classes.

*Next week is the MMS Book Fair so save up your allowance money to buy some books.

*All student council members need to meet with Mr. Weeks Friday morning after announcements.

Have a Terrific Tackling Tuesday