October 11, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Self Respect

*Quote of the Day:  When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you. Lao Tzu

Happy Birthday: Hunter Bass


*We have extra 12 oz bags of Pecan’s (pieces only) $12.00 a bag. See or call  Mrs. Snyder if you are interested in purchasing a bag. 205-682-6410

*Tryouts for Softball will begin next week October 17-20th  from 6-8pm at Orr Park.  Girls must have completed a tryout packet turn them into Coach Jett by October 13th as well as a current physical on file.

*Soccer conditioning will begin this Wednesday, October 12th until 4pm.  You must have a current physical and consent form to participate.

*School pictures are due back by this Wednesday, October 12th.

*The office will be sending in Box Tops the first of November so turn in your box tops if you have them.

*There will be a football game in Marbury on Thursday

*Congratulations to the student of the week:  Brantley Burk.  He was nominated by Mrs. Lewis.  Mrs. Lewis states that


Have a Terrific Tuesday