October 13, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Self Respect

*Quote of the Day:  “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life — is the source from which self-respect springs.” ― Joan Didion

Happy Birthday: Braden Hall


*Tryouts for Softball will begin next week October 17-20th  from 6-8pm at Orr Park.  Girls must have completed a tryout packet turn them into Coach Jett by today as well as a current physical on file.

*The football team plays in Marbury tonight at 5:30pm.

*Report cards will go home tomorrow.

*Student Institute members need to turn their permission slips into Mr. Weeks by tomorrow.

*The LOT students will be out on Friday for a field trip.

*The office will be sending in Box Tops the first of November so turn in your box tops if you have them

*Congratulations to the athlete for the month of September:  Allie Honeycutt

Have a Thoughtful Thursday