October 21, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Optimism (Positive Attitude)

  • *Quote of the Day: A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” ― Winston S. Churchill

Happy Birthday: Tomorrow to Greer Robinson and Sunday to Lucas Mitchell


*The MMS volleyball team will meet at UM on Friday night at 6pm to cheer on the Falcons

*FCCLA will be selling Boo Grams this week and next week for $1.00 in the lunchroom. The Boo Grams will be delivered on Monday, October 31st.

*Today we will be on break schedule.

The A/B Honor Roll Party will be Tuesday (October 25th) at 1:30 pm.

*Next week is Red Ribbon Week.  On Monday we will have an assembly. Tuesday will be wear Red Day.  Wednesday will be Sign the Pledge to be Drug Free.  Thursday will be “Put a Cap on Drugs” and you can wear a hat to school, and Friday will be “Sock it to Drugs” and you can wear crazy socks.

*The office will be sending in Box Tops the first of November so turn in your box tops if you have them.

Have a Fantastic Friday