November 16, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Gratitude

  • *Quote of the Day: “I was complaining that I had not shoes till I met a man who had no feet.”  Confucious

Happy Birthday: Nathan Mancha, Nick Mancha and Ethan Coy


*This Friday we will have COTS and be on an activity schedule.

*There will be an FBLA meeting for students who are planning to go on tomorrow’s field trip today at 11:40. Students must bring their paperwork to go.  Only those FBLA students who are going on the trip should attend this meeting.

*The Basketball team will play tomorrow night at home against West Blocton

*Keep contributing to the coin war between Alabama and Auburn Fans. Place your coins to place in the jars this week.  The grade level with the most money raised will get free play on Friday during 4th period. So far it looks like the 6th grade is winning.

*Congratulations to the athlete of the month-Kavounte Britton.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday