December 5, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Integrity

*Quote of the Day: Integrity is not a 90% thing, not a 95 percent thing; either you have it or you don’t.”

Happy Birthday: Amari King and Molly Myers


*The Choir Concert is tomorrow night at the UM Campus at 6:30pm at LeBaron Hall

*Tomorrow and Wednesday the MMS library will be selling books and coloring books for $5.00 each. Cash or checks will be accepted made out to Usborne Books.

*Archery try-out day will be right after school on Thursday, Dec. 8 in the lunchroom until 4pm.  This is by invitation only.   See Coach Jett or Horton if you have any questions.

* Tennis try-outs for 7th and 8th grade boys and girls will be on Wednesday, December 13 and Thursday December 14 at the city courts right after school until 5pm.  See Coach Jett with questions.  You must have a note to ride a bus to get off at MES to attend try-outs unless you ride a car.

* Tomorrow is Pajama Day for $2.00 to support the wrestling team.

*Tomorrow night the basketball team plays in Bibb County at 5pm.

*Thursday night is the MMS Band Christmas Concert at 7pm.

*Teachers:  There is a faculty meeting after school today.

Have a Marvelous Monday