January 17, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Tolerance

*Quote of the Day: Always try to maintain complete tolerance and always make an effort to give people more than they expect.  Scott Hamilton

Happy Birthday:


*Wednesday will be Pajama Day for $2.00 to support the wrestling team.

*This Friday will be break so make sure that you don’t have any tardies or silent lunches.

*8th Graders:  If you want to order the 8th grade Panoramic picture that you took on Friday, please order on the website: PanoPhotoInc.com by this Saturday or use the mail in envelope that you received on Friday.

*The Montevallo Day of Pageants will be held on Saturday, February 11th.  Any girl K-12 wanting to participate must fill out the registration forms.  The forms are available in the MMS office.  Registration forms and fees are due to the MMS office by Friday, February 3rd.

*7th and 8th Grade Scholar’s Bowl will practice today after school.

*The Wrestling team has a match at McAdory this afternoon

*Congratulations to the following students who made the Shelby County Honor Band: Janie Gray, Brett Terrill, Alyse Jones, Rebeca Emiliano, Luke Emiliano, and Katie Ozley.

*Congratulations to the student of the week:  Terion Lilly.  He was nominated by Ms. Davis.  Ms Davis states that Terion has demonstrated exemplary behavior recently and has taken pride and ownership in his schoolwork.


Have a Tremendous Tuesday