February 2, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Punctuality

*Quote of the Day: “Better never than late”  George Bernard Shaw



Happy Birthday:


*This Friday will be break so make sure that you do not have any tardies or silent lunches this week.

*The BETA Club induction will be held tomorrow morning at 8:15 am.

*8th Grade students:  There will be a parent meeting at Montevallo High School on Wednesday, February 15th at 6:30 pm for all 8th grade students and their parents to learn about high school graduation credits, course selections, and extra-curricular activities at the high school.

*Montevallo Day of Pageants forms are due back by Friday.

*Any student interested in participating in “Black History’s Untold Heroes” at the University of Montevallo on February 18th, needs to pick up a permission form in the office.

*There will be a Valentine’s Dance on Friday, Feb 10th during the school day for $5.00.

*Progress reports will go home next Wednesday

Have a Thankful Thursday