February 6, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week: Cooperation

*Quote of the Day: Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. ” ― Chief Seattle

Happy Birthday:


*8th Grade students:  There will be a parent meeting at Montevallo High School on Thursday, February 9th at 6:30 pm for all 8th grade students and their parents to learn about high school graduation credits, course selections, and extra-curricular activities at the high school.

*Yearbook are now on sale for $30.00.  Be sure to reserve your copy before they run out.  You can bring a check or cash to Mrs. Harding or pay online.  Please see Mrs. Harding if you have any questions

*There will be a Valentine’s Dance on Friday, Feb 10th during the school day for $5.00.  No concessions will be sold during the dance since it will be held in the gym. It will be a sock hop and door prizes will be given.

*Progress reports will go home on Wednesday

*There will be a pajama day on Wednesday to support the JUNA team.

*Teachers there will be a faculty meeting after school today.

*Any candy money must be turned in today.  It was due on Friday.

*Congratulations to the student of the week: Migdalia Lopez.  She was nominated by Mrs. Lewis for displaying the character trait of integrity.  She stood up for an injustice she felt was being displayed towards a group of students by another student.

*Congratulations to the Soccer Team who took fourth place out of 12 teams in the McAdory Tournament this past weekend.  Cole Dennis received 4th place and Hunter Bass took 1st place in the 162 weight division. Several of the 9th grade team also placed.  Wish the middle school wrestling team luck as they compete in sectionals this Friday and Saturday.

*Soccer practice will be after school until 4 pm.

*The JUNA team needs to meet with Mrs. Guraya at the beginning of 4th period today.


Have a Marvelous Monday