February 16, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week: Perseverance

*Quote of the Day: ““Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance”  Samuel Johnson

Happy Birthday:


*BETA clubs members:  All coupon book money is due today.

*The Scoliosis screening for all students will be on Friday instead of today.

*Attention 8th graders:  When you complete your registration packets, you will turn them into Ms. Allen next Thursday with signatures from your parents and your teachers.

*The LOT and Choir students will be on a field trip today to the Civil Rights Museum.

*Teachers don’t forget about the Montevallo Connections Meeting at Montevallo Elementary school at 4:00 today.

*Candy money is due today and you will have silent lunch every day until you turn in your money.

*There will be no school on Monday due to President’s Day

Have a Thoughtful Thursday