March 1, 2017


*Pledge of Allegiance

*Teachers Check Dress Code: (give them 30 seconds to check this before starting rest of announcements)

Happy Birthday:


*Our Scholastic Book Fair continues this week.   Be sure to bring cash or a check made out to MMS.

*There will be a mandatory parent meeting for anyone interested in cheerleading try-outs on Monday, March 13 at 5:30 PM in Mrs. Bishop’s room.  Please see Mrs. Bishop if you have any questions.

*Hoops for Heart has been moved to Monday, March 12th and donations will be taken up to then.

*The final student institute field trip is this Friday.  SGA members will meet in Mr. Week’s room Friday morning at the beginning of 1st period.  Students remember to get any make up work from your teachers for Friday.

*Tomorrow there is a Tennis Match against Helena at UM at 4pm. There is also a Soccer game tomorrow at Calera at 5:30 and a Baseball game in Clanton at 4pm.

*Friday will be break schedule so make sure that you don’t have any tardies or silent lunches this week.


Have a Wonderful Wednesday