May 2, 2017



*Members of the Girls Can COT need to meet in Mrs. Guraya’s room starting today to test out the bridges that you built.

*Soccer workouts continue on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4-6 pm this month.

*There will be a meeting tonight for 8th grade parents who want to help out with the 8th grade cookout.  The meeting will be at MMS at 6pm.

*The Student Institute Showcase will be tonight for those students involved in the Student Institute.

*This Friday will be break so don’t have any tardies or silent lunches this week.

* Thursday there will be auditions for the MMS Talent Show.  The cost for auditioning is $5.00.   See Mr. Banks if you have any questions.

*There will be no lunch charges from now until the end of school.

*Tomorrow morning the 12 kids who invited to compete in the typing challenge need to report to the library when your grade level is announced. Our school will be competing with other middle schools in Shelby County.  The school with the fastest, most accurate scores will receive $6,000 in technology funding.  Individual prizes will be given to the top 3 typists per grade level, including Free Admission to Spring Fling, free slushie from the lunch room, and a tardy to class pass. Teachers, please check your email for a list of these students, and please allow them to make up their work.

*The Yearbook signing party will be on Friday, May 12th for $2.00.

Have a Terrific Tuesday