August 30, 2017


*Pledge of Allegiance

*Character Education Theme for the Week: Perseverance

*Quote of the Day:  Fall seven times, stand up eight.  ~Japanese Proverb

*Birthdays:  Axel Garcia and Emily Pennington


* Friday will be break so don’t have any tardies or silent lunches.

* Thursday will be the first home volleyball game at 6 and 7.

*The first football game will be Thursday in Columbiana at 6pm.

* Coach Niven will meet tomorrow with any 7th or 8th grade girl interested in trying out for softball.  Mrs. Lewis will call for those interested when Coach Nivens arrives.

*Please turn in box tops to the office. If you turn in 10 box tops, you will receive two tardy to class passes.

*Congratulations to Baylen Key who placed 4th out of all students at the Back to School Chess Tournament this past weekend.

*There will no school on Monday due to the Labor Day Holiday

Have a Wonderful Wednesday