September 28, 2017


*Character Education Theme for the Week: Self Respect

*Quote of the Day: Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that’s real power    Clint Eastwood

*Birthdays: Allie Herring


*There will be a meeting tonight for all 7th-12th grade students who are interested in joining wrestling.  The meeting will be at Montevallo High School at 6pm in the MHS Cafeteria.

*All students interested in joining the MMS Chess Team need to bring their permission forms by tomorrow to Mrs. Sapp. The first Chess Club Meeting will be Wednesday morning before school.

*Tomorrow will be COTS.  If you owe missing work, you will be assigned intervention and not be able to attend COTS.

*Tonight Volleyball will have a home game at 5 & 6. The game is moved to MHS. Girl’s Basketball will begin practice on Monday from 3-5pm.

*The first dance will be Thursday, October 5th from 3-5pm. The cost will be $5.00

* Keep selling the recipe flip books.  The cost is $8.00 for each recipe book. The highest sales in each grade level will receive a prize. Any student who sells at least 2 books, will receive two tardy to class passes.  Also keep turning in your box tops.

Have a Thankful Thursday