October 20, 2017


*Character Education Theme for the Week: Positive Attitude/Optimism

*Quote of the Day: A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results.  Wade Boggs



*Today will be LEAD and we will be on an activity schedule.

*Basketball practice for the girls has been moved to the High School for tonight from 5:30-7:30pm due to the roof repairs.

*8th Grade Scholars Bowl will have practice Monday after school until 4:45.

*All 8th graders need to turn in their permission slips for Future Falcon Day for the field trip next Friday.  You must also bring a lunch or let Mrs. Whitt know that you need one from the cafeteria.

*Soccer packets are due to Mrs. Thomas by next Friday.  Tryouts will be in Nov.  See Mrs. Thomas if you have not received a packet and plan to tryout.

*FBLA will be selling boo grams next week for $2.  Buy one for someone else or for yourself. They will be delivered on Halloween.

*Wear your costume for $2 on Halloween. There will be a Halloween Costume contest benefiting FBLA. The top 3 best costumes will receive a prize!  The judges will be Mrs. Whitt-Wright, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Nelson and Mr. Banks!

*The flu vaccine will be given today to students who brought back their permission slips.

*Wrestling practice begins next week on Monday after school until 5:15. Make sure that you have your paperwork turned in.  See Coach Taylor is you have any questions.

* Picture make up day is November 6th.

*Next Week is Red Ribbon Week.  On Monday, students can wear red to support Red Ribbon Week. Also students can sign the Pledge to Be Drug Free Signs in the hallways. Thursday is “Sock it to Drugs” and students can wear crazy socks.  Also on Thursday we will have an assembly on making good choices.

*Tuesday will be “Pink Out” Day to support Breast Cancer Awareness so students are encouraged to wear pink.

*Wednesday will be “Unity” Day and students are encouraged to wear the Color Orange in Support of Bullying Awareness.

*Please turn in any box tops that you may have collected.  Mrs. Snyder is mailing a shipment off at the end of the month.  She will continue to accept them throughout the year and you will still earn two tardy to class passes for every 10 that you turn in.

*Any student who is failing or struggling in academic classes and wants additional help with their classwork there is Academics First Tutoring after school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays starting next week.  Students must be involved in any extra -curricular activity (like Sports, Band, or Academic Teams)to take advantage of this free tutoring. You must have a permission slip signed from your parent in order to stay after school and the parent must be able to pick you up. Forms are in the front office.  Any athlete who failed the first 9 weeks, must stay for tutoring.
*The University of Montevallo is offering a Junior Tennis Sunday Funday on Nov. 5th, from 1-3 and the cost is FREE!  Please see Coach Jett for a brochure or you must call 512-689-7212 to reserve a spot in the clinic.

Have a Fantastic Friday