November 29, 2017



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Generosity

*Quote of the Day: For it is in giving that we receive.” ― Francis of Assisi



*Tonight there will be a Montevallo night at the UM Falcons Basketball Game.  There are free tickets for a family of 4 in the front office.  Any interested students and/or families that would like tickets, please stop by the office and pick them up.  Enjoy a free game while supporting the UM men’s and women’s basketball teams.

*This Friday will be COTS.

*Friday will be Pajama Day for $2.00 to support the Wrestling Team.

*Monday, December 4th will be the Montevallo Youth Holiday Showcase with a joint performance of the band and choir. The Showcase will be held at MHS in the Performing Arts Center at 6pm.

*Start thinking about getting together an ugly sweater for the Ugly Sweater Contest on December 14th.  Prizes will be awarded.


Have a Wonderful Wednesday