April 19, 2018



*Character Education Theme for the Week:  Patience

 *Quote of the Day:  “Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

*Birthdays: Lucy Hopson


*Tomorrow will be break.  We will be on an activity schedule.  Kona Ice will be here so bring money to support the math team.

*Progress reports will be given to you 4th period tomorrow.

*In order to receive an invitation to the “all 4 nine weeks” Honor Roll Party, you must have made A or AB honor roll on the first 3 report cards AND all As and Bs on your 4th 9 weeks progress report given out tomorrow.

7th Grade will be testing for science today.  No cell phones, smart watches, books, purses, etc are allowed in the testing rooms.  The bells will be off during testing and 8th  graders will need to get their things for 1st-4th periods as you will not be allowed in your lockers during passing periods.  6th graders please so not slam your lockers as testing is nearby.

*6th, 7th, and 8th grade math teams will have a tournament at Pizitz Middle School  on Saturday.  Please turn in your permission slips and get a copy of the directions to Pizitz from your sponsor.

*8th Graders-please remember to turn in your permission slips for the high school visit and for the 8th grade Picnic.  If your parents wish to donate items or volunteer for the picnic, please let Mrs. Deerman know as soon as possible.

*Soccer will practice today after school.

*If you are an athlete and you failed a class last nine weeks, you must attend after school tutoring with Mrs. Dinkins on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  If you do not, you may not be able to participate in sports next year.

*All girls that made the volleyball and/or basketball team need to get their paperwork signed and turned back into Coach Jett this week.  This includes a student fee letter, behavior contract and substance abuse form.  Friday is the last day to order any spirit attire off the BSN volleyball Teampage.  If any teacher or students want to purchase a t-shirt, sweatshirt, etc.  to show your spirit, the instructions are posted in the teacher work room and the girl’s locker room.

 Have A Thankful Thursday