Daily Announcement 01/03/2019

*Birthdays: Gabe Haynie, Conner Shores, Zach Shores


* Tomorrow will be a normal schedule. There is no break tomorrow.

*Anyone interested in getting a sports physical should get a permission form from Coach Horton or Coach Jett and returned with the $10 fee by Jan. 8.  Only the first 100 students to return forms and money will be guaranteed a spot on the bus.  The trip will take place on Friday, Jan.18 at Calera High.  All students that went to Lemak last year will have an expired physical in a few weeks and will no longer be eligible to participate or try-out unless you update your physical.  Spring try-outs are right around the corner with some starting in March and no one is allowed to tryout without a physical nor permitted to try out at a later date.  Physicals last for one year.  See PE coaches with any questions.

*80 students still have books overdue to the library…so, please check your locker, under your bed and bring them in!  If you’re still reading your book, please come renew it.  You will not be able to check out another book until you bring back your old book.

*Battle of the Books will have our first meeting on Tuesday, January 8th after school until 3:45.  We will meet every Tuesday for 9 weeks until our county competition in March.  If you attended the Battle of the Books interest meeting in November and have already completed reading at least ONE of the three books,  you can attend the first meeting.  Please come by the library any time today or Friday and sign the clipboard on the counter, so I know how many students to expect.  You must have a ride to come pick you up promptly at 3:45 at the side bus door

*Report cards will go home next Tuesday.

*Wrestling will have a match in Pelham tomorrow.

Have A Thankful Thursday