Daily Announcement 2/13/20



*Pledge of Allegiance (speak slowly and clearly)

*Teachers Check Dress Code: (give them 30 seconds to check this before starting the rest of announcements)

Monthly Character Theme: Courage

 Quote of the Week: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step-Lau Tzu

Study Tip of the Week: – Eat a good breakfast or lunch before you test. Not only will a growling stomach interfere with your concentration, but your brain will not function at its best ability when it needs energy.


Yearbooks are now on sale for the discounted price of $30.00. This price will only last through the month of April, so be sure to reserve your copy now. You can give cash or a check (made out to MMS) to Mrs. Harding. You can also pay online with a debit card by going to yearbookordercenter.com and using the school code 1564. Please see Mrs. Harding for any questions.

Tomorrow, we will have a Valentine’s Dance.  The cost is $5.

Tennis players should be dismissed from class at 1:45 today to come to the gym to get dressed for today’s tennis match. 

Congrats to the boys soccer team for their first game of the season and WIN over Pelham, 4-1.

And Students Remember: “Here at Montevallo Middle School We Expect Success and Nothing Less” 

Have a Thrilling Thursday