daily Announcement 2/27/20

Monthly Character Theme: Courage

 Quote of the Week: “ We must build dikes of courage to hold back the flood of fear. -Martin Luther King, Jr.

Study Tip of the Week: – Take what you need to the exam or the test. Think ahead to determine if you need, scratch paper, extra pencils, or a calculator? 


  • Yearbooks are now on sale for the discounted price of $30.00. This price will only last through the month of April, so be sure to reserve your copy now. You can give cash or a check (made out to MMS) to Mrs. Harding. You can also pay online with a debit card by going to yearbookordercenter.com and using the school code 1564. Please see Mrs. Harding for any questions.
  • All students that are interested in attending the first ever MMS swim program needs to turn in the permission form and $10 to Coach Jett and/or Coach Horton by Friday, Feb. 28.  This swim class is designed for all levels from the non-swimmer to the expert. After final participant numbers are in , we will get a schedule out to the faculty/staff and students.
  • Talent show information is now available! Stop by the choir/band room to pick up one.
  • Any 8th graders that have not returned their course selection forms, needs to do so by March 1st.
  • C.O.Ts and Pajama Day is tomorrow. 

And Students Remember: “Here at Montevallo Middle School We Expect Success and Nothing Less” 

Have a Thrilling Thursday