Daily Announcement 10/27/20

Monthly Character Theme: Ambition

 Quote of the Week“Man is the only creature that strives to surpass himself, and yearns for the impossible.” Eric Hoffer


Congratulations again to Nate Haynie  for winning yesterday’s trivia question.  The correct answer was $24 Billion. Yes, it costs the US economy on average each year, $24 Billion due to incidents and injuries related to youth excessive alcohol use.

Today’s question: What chemicals are found in your car and in vape juice? Please submit all answers to our SRO or the front office. 

  • Check out the YouTube channel for the Alabama DFC House Party.  Watch your peers videos and vote for your favorite. One of Montevallo’s own is a finalist!
  • Today is the Chief’s Challenge. Make sure to turn in your sign-up form. The event starts at 3:30 pm at the football stadium.
  •  The Art Contest submissions are due tomorrow. You could win a Chick Fila Gift Card, a t-shirt, lanyard, and have your art publicly displayed. For more information on any of these activities, see your SRO
  • Softball Tryouts are this Friday. Please see coach Gilbert for more information. 

And Students Remember: “Here at Montevallo Middle School We Expect Success and Nothing Less” 

Have a Thrilling Tuesday