Daily Announcement 9/21/21


“Good Morning, today is Tuesday, September 21, 2021 .

*Character Education Theme of the Month: Ambition 

*Quote of the Week: 
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”  Beverly Sills

Hispanic Heritage Month Fact:
Franklin R. Chang CourtDiaz born in 1950 in San José, Costa Rica became the first Hispanic astronaut when NASA selected him in 1980. He logged more than 1,500 hours in space, including 19 hours during spacewalks. Ellen Ochao was the first Hispanic American woman astronaut to go to space. She spent nearly 1,000 hours in space during four Shuttle missions. There are 10 other Hispanic astronauts who have traveled to space.
  • Students please remember to bring your Chromebooks to school everyday, charged and ready for learning.
  • Last day to purchase Candy grams for $2.00!
  • If you have any interest in geography, politics, or foreign countries, there will be a meeting in Mr. Stanley’s room for seventh and eighth graders interested in being a member of the new Junior United Nations Assembly team on Wednesday, September 22 from 3:30-5 PM. Please have a ride to come pick you up exactly at that time. 
  • “Ready, Set, Code: The New Essential Skill”. Learn basic computer skills that can help open academic and economic doors to all students. Beginning this Thursday, 9/23/21, we will start a Coding Club at Montevallo Middle School from 3:00 -4:30 pm. Please contact Mrs. Guraya if you are interested. Look for this  information in flyers placed around the school.
  • We want to wish the football team well on their game this evening against West Blocton. 

Way to go Volleyball girls for defeating West Minster yesterday.  Both teams did a phenomenal job winning 2 exciting matches.  Blakely Baggett led the 8th grade with a perfect 13/13 serves in a 2 out of 3 tie-breaker.  Rosemery Hernandez served a PERFECT 19/19 for the 7th graders.  Both teams finish their seasons today at Columbiana.  Good luck girls!!!

And Students Remember: “Here at Montevallo Middle School We Expect Success and Nothing Less”. Have a Terrific Tuesday!