Daily Announcement 2/22/22


“Good Morning, today is  Tuesday, February 22,  2022. 

*Character Education Theme of the Month: Cheerfulness

*Quote of the Week: Cheerfulness is the very flower of Health.

Black History Fact:  Rebecca Lee Crumpler was the first Black woman to become a doctor of medicine in the United States. After the end of the Civil War in 1865, Dr. Crumpler moved to Richmond, Virginia to provide medical care for the freed slaves who would otherwise have no one else to turn to. She dedicated herself to the understanding of diseases that particularly afflicted women and children, and when she eventually returned to Massachusetts, she opened her own clinic in Boston. She saw poverty stricken patients and treated them regardless of their ability to pay her

  • Yearbooks are on sale for $30
  • FBLA is holding a chicken noodle soup, canned food drive.Donations will benefit the Vineyard Family Services Backpack program. Please bring as many canned soups as you can. The Donation box will be outside Room 52.
  • We will be testing today during 1st and 2nd period. Bells will be turned off so please remember we will use the Activity Bell Schedule due to COTs

And Students Remember: “Here at Montevallo Middle School We Expect Success and Nothing Less”.

Have a Terrific Tuesday!