Daily Announcements 9/21/2018


*Volleyball will have a home game on Monday, September 24th, against Calera and a home game on Tuesday, September 25th, against Jemison.

*Flu shots will be given on Thursday, Oct 18th.  You must return the permission slip in order for your child to receive the Flu Shot at school.

*Thursday, October 4th, will be the end of the 9 weeks. Report cards will be sent home on Friday, October 11th.

*The MMS Homecoming Game will be on Thursday, October 4th against Jemison at 5:30pm.  There will be a Pep Rally at 2pm.

*We will have dress up days for Homecoming. Monday, October 1st will be Madness Color Day. 6th Grade will wear Black, 7thgrade will wear Orange, and 8th grade will wear Blue.  Tuesday, October 2nd will be Tacky Day. Wednesday, October 3rd will be “Wipe Out the Panthers” and students will wear all white. Thursday will be Spirit Day and students are encouraged to wear their Montevallo attire.

*Wednesday, October 3rd, there will be a Homecoming Dance from 1-2:47. Students will meet with all class periods that day. Students not attending the dance, will meet in the media center.

*There will be no school for students on Friday, October 5th, and Monday, October 8th, due to teacher meetings.

* Don’t forget to help with the Hurricane Florence Relief Project! Bring your non-perishable food items, bottled water, or cleaning supplies and drop them off in the orange or blue boxes. Be sure to write your name and grade on the items you bring so it counts in the donation contest. The grade bringing in the most items will get open seating at lunch. You have until next Friday, September 28 to bring donations.

Have a GREAT weekend!

Daily Announcement 9/20/2018


*School pictures will be this Friday.

* LEAD will be on Friday, and we will be on an activity schedule.

*Today the Volleyball team will have a game at Westminister 5pm.

*Cross Country practice will last until 4:30 this week. There will be a CC meet this Saturday in Tuscaloosa.

Last week, Hurricane Florence hit the North Carolina coast and many any people have been affected by it. Montevallo Middle School wants to show support and help those who have lost so much.  The Peer Helpers/Ambassadors are hosting a Hurricane Relief Project beginning Friday, September 21 and going through next Friday, September 28th. We are asking you to bring bottled water, non-perishable food items like canned food, cleaning supplies, and personal items like toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, etc. to help supply those in need. Boxes will be located at the bus entrance, car rider entrance, and school office beginning Friday morning.  And, there’s something in it for you. To make it fun, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades will be competing against each other to see who has the most community spirit. Each student in the winning grade who brings in a donation will receive open seating for lunch. Be sure to write your name and grade on each item or bag you bring so it can be counted. You can bring items in until next Friday, September 28. The winning grade will be announced Monday, October 1. Show that you care by helping those who need you.

Have A Thankful Thursday

Daily Announcement 9/19/2018

*Birthdays: Ty’tee Asia Turner


*School pictures will be this Friday.

* LEAD will be on Friday, and we will be on an activity schedule.

*Tomorrow the Volleyball team will have a game at Westminister.

*Girls soccer conditioning will continue today after school until 4:30.

*Cross Country practice will last until 4:30 this week. There will be a CC meet this Saturday in Tuscaloosa.

Last week, Hurricane Florence hit the North Carolina coast and many any people have been affected by it. Montevallo Middle School wants to show support and help those who have lost so much.  The Peer Helpers/Ambassadors are hosting a Hurricane Relief Project beginning Friday, September 21 and going through next Friday, September 28th. We are asking you to bring bottled water, non-perishable food items like canned food, cleaning supplies, and personal items like toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, etc. to help supply those in need. Boxes will be located at the bus entrance, car rider entrance, and school office beginning Friday morning.  And, there’s something in it for you. To make it fun, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades will be competing against each other to see who has the most community spirit. Each student in the winning grade who brings in a donation will receive open seating for lunch. Be sure to write your name and grade on each item or bag you bring so it can be counted. You can bring items in until next Friday, September 28. The winning grade will be announced Monday, October 1. Show that you care by helping those who need you.

Have A Wonderful Wednesday

Daily Announcements 9/18/2018

*Birthdays: Spencer Adams, Bryce Smith, Charlie Adams


*School pictures will be this Friday.

* LEAD will be on Friday, and we will be on an activity schedule.

*Today the Volleyball team will have a game at Calera and Thursday at Westminister.

*Girls soccer conditioning will continue on Wed. after school until 4:30.

*Cross Country practice will last until 4:30 this week

*CONGRATULATIONS to the athlete of the month for AUGUST – Hannah Locks.  Hannah plays volleyball, basketball, soccer and also cheers.  She is an awesome student athlete. Way to be a leader Hannah!

Have A Terrific Tuesday!

Daily Announcements 9/17/2018

*School pictures will be this Friday.

* LEAD will be on Friday, and we will be on an activity schedule.

*Tuesday Volleyball will have a game at Calera and Thursday at Westminister.

*Football Practice has been cancelled for today and will resume tomorrow.

*Girls soccer conditioning is canceled for today (Monday).  We will continue on Wed. after school until 4:30.

*CONGRATULATIONS to the athlete of the month for AUGUST – Hannah Locks.  Hannah plays volleyball, basketball, soccer and also cheers.  She is an awesome student athlete. Way to be a leader Hannah!

Have A Marvelous Monday

Daily Announcements 9/14/2018

*Birthdays: Kristen Robertson, Jasmine Altamirez,


*We will be on break schedule today.

*Bulldog Tattoos are on sale in the office for 50 cents each.

*Cross Country will have its first meet this Saturday at Spain Park.

* Today is the last day for the Book Fair.

*School Pictures will be next Friday September 21st

*For every 10 Box Tops that you turn into the office, you will receive two tardy to class passes so start saving the box tops and turn them into the office.

CONGRATULATIONS to the lady dawgs for their victory over a very good Panther team last night in Jemison.  The girls won the first game 25-23, lost the second 20-25, then came back to win the 3rd game – 25-18 and fourth game 25-18 to win the match 3 games to 1.

Kailey Boyd led all servers with 18 out of 20 and one of those was an ACE.  Hannah Locks was a perfect 11 out of 11 on the night.  Carter Lawley and Camille Holmes were both perfect servers with 8 out of 8, and Leila Mendonca contributed 9 out of 10 with one ACE.  Hannah Locks and Teasia Purnell both put away 5 KILLS each!

Way to go ladies.  The next 2 games will be AWAY at Calera on Tuesday and West Minster on Thursday.

Have A Fantastic Friday

Daily Announcements 9/13/2018

*Birthdays: Dylan Campbell and Keiston Piper-Ross


*Tomorrow we will have break so don’t have any tardies or silent lunches!

*GIRLS soccer conditioning will begin this week.  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after school until 4/4:30.  You will need to bring tennis shoes.

*Bulldog Tattoos are on sale in the office for 50 cents each.

*Cross Country will have its first meet this Saturday at Spain Park.

*Today the Volleyball team will be at Jemison game time 5:00pm and the Football team will be in at Jemison Game time 5:30pm.

*The MMS Book Fair will continue until Friday.

*School Pictures will be next Friday September 21st

*For every 10 Box Tops that you turn into the office, you will receive two tardy to class passes so start saving the box tops and turn them into the office.

Have A Thankful Thursday

Daily Announcements 9/12/2018

*This Friday will be break so don’t have any tardies or silent lunches!

*GIRLS soccer conditioning will begin this week.  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after school until 4/4:30.  You will need to bring tennis shoes.

*Bulldog Tatoos are on sale in the office for 50 cents each.

*Cross Country will have its first meet this Saturday at Spain Park.

*Thursday the Volleyball team will be at Jemison game time 5:00pm and the Football team will be in at Jemison Game time 5:30pm.

*The MMS Book Fair will be here until Friday.

*School Pictures will be next Friday September 21st

*For every 10 Box Tops that you turn into the office, you will receive two tardy to class passes so start saving the box tops and turn them into the office.

*Congratulations to the students of the week Luis Martinez: He was nominated by Mrs. Gibbs

During class change a student dropped their pencil box which spilled in the hallway. Luis stopped immediately in the crowded hall to help a classmate in need with a smile.

Have A Wonderful Wednesday

Daily Announcements 9/11/2018

*This Friday will be break so don’t have any tardies or silent lunches!

*GIRLS soccer conditioning will begin this week.  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after school until 4/4:30.  You will need to bring tennis shoes.

*Bulldog Tatoos are on sale in the office for 50 cents each.

*Cross Country will have its first meet this Saturday at Spain Park.

*Today the Volleyball team will play Columbiana at Home 5:00pm.

*Thursday the Volleyball team will be at Jemison game time 5:00pm and the Football team will be in at Jemison Game time 5:30pm.

*The MMS Book Fair starts today.

*School Pictures will be next Friday September 21st

*For every 10 Box Tops that you turn into the office, you will receive two tardy to class passes so   start saving the box tops off of your food boxes and turn them into the office.

*Congratulations to the Lady Dawgs for their outstanding WIN over West Blocton last night.  Both teams swept the competition in 2-0 match victories.  The seventh grade team started things off with a 25-15 win with Carter Lawley serving 7 out of 8 and 2 of those were ACES.  Abigail Baugh also contributed 4 out of 5 serves with one ACE.  In the second 25-16 victory, Gracie Patterson served 6 out of 7  with 2 ACES to lead the team and Charlie Ann Baugh was perfect with 3 out of 3 serves and one ACE.

In the 8th grade game, the first team won 25-9 and Hannah Locks led the servers with 8 out 9 and 1 ACE with Paige Johnson contributing 5 out of 6 and 1 ACE.  The second team blew away the tigers with a 25-3 win and Jaz Mckenzie led all servers for the night with 13 service points and 4 of those were ACES.   Way to go ladies!!!

Both teams play again today at HOME vs. Columbiana with the 7th grade team playing first at 5 followed by the 8th grade team.


Have A Terrific Tuesday!

Daily Announcement 9/10/2018

*GIRLS soccer conditioning will begin this week.  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after school until 4/4:30.  You will need to bring tennis shoes.

*Cross Country will have its first meet this Saturday at Spain Park.

*The MMS Book Fair starts today.

*T Shirt Order forms are due on Today!

Have A Marvelous Monday