Daily Announcements 9/07/2018

*Birthdays: Jamal Henderson, Tabetha Thomas, Mercadees Lilly


*Progress Reports will go home on today.

*GIRLS soccer conditioning will begin next week.  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after school until 4/4:30.  You will need to bring tennis shoes.

*Montevallo Bulldogs Boys Soccer Tryouts are being held Friday, September 7th from 3:30-5:30 and Saturday Sept 8th from 11:-1:00pm at MHS.

*Cross Country will have its first meet next Saturday in Spain Park.

*The MMS Book Fair will be next week.

*T Shirt Order forms are due on Today!

*Lady dawg volleyball team defeated Isabella last night in a tiebreaker. MMS win the first game 25-23 and fell in the second 10-25. The final score was 15-9. Way to go Lady Dawgs!!! Kailey Boyd led all servers with 11 out of 11! Jaz McKenzie was 7 for 8 with an ACE! Paige Johnson, Teasia Purnell, Camille Holmes and Hannah Locks all had a a KILL each. It was a total team effort! The team plays another home game Monday at 5 vs . West Blocton.

Have A Fantastic Friday

Daily Announcements 9/06/2018


*Progress Reports will go home on Friday.

*There will be an away football game tonight against Clanton at 5:30. Tonight’s volleyball game will be away in Isabella.

*Montevallo Bulldogs Boys Soccer Tryouts are being held Friday, September 7th from 3:30-5:30 and Saturday Sept 8th from 11:-1:00pm at MHS.

*Cross Country will have its first meet this Saturday in Oakville.

*The MMS Book Fair will be next week.

*T Shirt Order forms are due on Friday

Have A Thankful Thursday

Daily Announcements 09/05/2018

*Birthdays: Today to Jacob Whitson and over last weekend to Cynthia Robbins, Cheyenne Posey, Mariah Honeycutt, Cole Wilson, Chloe Smotherman, and David Eurton


*State testing is today. Today will be 8th grade math and some make up testing. There will be no cell phones, smart watches, or electronic devices allowed in the testing rooms.  The bells will be off all day.  Students will not be able to go to their lockers until 4th period. Please be quiet in the hallways between classes as we are testing all over the building.

*Progress Reports will go home on Friday.

*Montevallo Bulldogs Boys Soccer Tryouts are being held Friday, September 7th from 3:30-5:30 and Saturday Sept 8th from 11:-1:00pm at MHS.

*There will be an away football game on Thursday against Clanton at 5:30. The Thursday volleyball game will be away in Isabella.

*Don’t forget to keep selling your T Shirts and turn in your box tops.

*Cross Country will have its first meet this Saturday.

*The MMS Book Fair will be next week.

*Congratulations to the LADY DAWGS for their victories last night.  Both the 7th and 8th grade teams won 2 straight games in the best 2 out of 3 match against West Minster. The 7th grade team started things off with a 26-24 win in the first game.  Abigail Baugh led all servers with a perfect 7 out of 7 serves and one of those being an ACE.  Carter Lawley contributed 5 out of 6 with an ACE and Gracie Patterson finished the game with a perfect 3 out of 3 with an ACE.

Bailey Hamrick came alive in the second game and helped win with a perfect 7 out of 7 on serves and 5 of those were ACES.  Carter Lawley also served a perfect game with 8 out of 8.  Bri Hudson had 2 KILLS and Arianna Jones and Carter Lawley both had a KILL to put away the win.

The 8th grade starters came out and dominated with a 25 – 4  victory.  It was basically the Kailey Boyd and Paige Johnson show.  Kailey started the game serving 11 in a row with 2 ACES.  Paige served 10 in a row with 1 ACE and Teasia Purnell contributed 3 to finish the game. The rest of the team didn’t even get a chance to serve, but Hannah Locks had a great KILL in the first and second game.

The second team was led by Jazmine McKenzie with 8 out of 8 perfect serves. Keniya Simpson had 6 out of 6 perfect serves with one of those being an ACE and ALiesjha Silas was perfect from behind the line with 5 out of 5 with an ACE.  Leila Mendonca also had 4 assists on the net to win a closer 25 to 20 victory.

The combined 7th and 8th grade team will travel to Isabella on Thursday.

Way to go LADIES!!!!

Have A Wonderful Wednesday

Daily Announcements 9/04/2018


*State testing is today and tomorrow. Today will be 7th grade science and 8th grade reading. There will be no cell phones, smart watches, or electronic devices allowed in the testing rooms.  The bells will be off all day.  Students will not be able to go to their lockers until 4th period. Please be quiet in the hallways between classes as we are testing all over the building.   Tomorrow 8th grade will test in math.

*Progress Reports will go home on Friday.

*The first home volleyball game will be today at 5 & 6pm against Westminster.

*Montevallo Bulldogs Boys Soccer Tryouts are being held Friday, September 7th from 3:30-5:30 and Saturday Sept 8th from 11:-1:00pm at MHS.

*There will be a home football game on Thursday against Clanton at 5:30. The Thursday volleyball game will be away in Isabella.

*Don’t forget to keep selling your T Shirts and turn in your box tops.

*Cross Country will have its first meet this Saturday.

Have A Terrific Tuesday

Daily Announcements 8/31/2018

*Birthdays: Izea Carbajal, Cynthia Robbins, Cheyenne Posey


*Today we will be on break schedule. Students check with your 4th period teacher to see if you are eligible for break or not.

*Montevallo Bulldogs Boys Soccer Tryouts are being held Friday, September 7th from 3:30-5:30 and Saturday Sept 8th from 11:-1:00pm at MHS.

*State testing continues next Tuesday and Wednesday.

*Don’t forget to keep selling your T Shirts, Due September 7th. Be sure to save and turn in your box tops.

*Teachers your COTS proposals are due to Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Lusco by today.

*There is no school on Monday due to the Labor Day Holiday.

*The first home volleyball game will be on Tuesday at 5 & 6pm.

Have A Fantastic Friday

Daily Announcements 8/30/2018

*Birthdays: Axel Garcia and Emily Pennington


*Tomorrow will be break schedule.

*Today is Activity Schedule.  We will have a pep rally after 7th period at 2pm. *Tonight is the first football game 6pm. Come on out and support your Bulldogs.

*Mrs. Day’s classes will have a guest speaker today. Please get to class as quickly as possible and show him your best Bulldog pride! Coach Taylor’s 4th period will meet in Mrs. Day’s room.

*State testing continues next Tuesday and Wednesday.

*Don’t forget to keep selling your T Shirts and turn in your box tops.

*Teachers your COTS proposals are due to Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Lusco by tomorrow.

Have A Thankful Thursday

Daily Announcements 8/29/2018

*Birthdays: Jeremy Ortega


*This Friday will be break so don’t have any tardies or silent lunches!

*State testing continues today for students.  Today will be 6th and 7th grade reading.  8th grade and 7th grade science will test next week. There will be no cell phones or smart watches allowed in the testing rooms.. You will not be able to go to your lockers between classes except before and after 4th period and between 6th and 7th period. Students must be quiet in the hallways between classes. We will be on silent bells. We are testing in many different rooms in the building so teachers do not allow students out of class during testing. The bells will only be on for fourth period and at the end of the day.

*Thursday is the first football game and the first Pep Rally. We will be on an activity schedule on Thursday.

*Don’t forget to keep selling your T Shirts and turn in your box tops.

Have A Wonderful Wednesday

Daily Announcements 8/28/2018


*This Friday will be break so don’t have any tardies or silent lunches!

*State testing will begins today for students.  Today will be 6th and 7th grade math. Tomorrow will be 6th and 7th grade reading.  8th grade and 7th grade science will test next week. There will be no cell phones or smart watches allowed in the testing rooms. 6th and 7th graders:  Do not bring any books, papers, purses, etc to your math class today.  You will be testing and will not need anything. You will not be able to go to your lockers between classes except before and after 4th period and between 6th and 7th period. 7th period classes that are testing: you will leave your backpacks inside your teacher’s classroom and then report to the assigned lab quickly. Students must be quiet in the hallways between classes. We will be on silent bells. We are testing in many different rooms in the building so teachers do not allow students out of class during testing. The bells will only be on for fourth period and at the end of the day.

*Turn in your Code of Conduct Sheet to your 4th period teacher.  If you do not have your form turned in, you will begin receiving silent lunch until you bring in your form.

Have A Terrific Tuesday

Daily Announcements 08/27/2018


*Birthdays: Savannah Simson and Savannah Carr


*This Friday will be break so don’t have any tardies or silent lunches!

*State testing will begin tomorrow for students.  Tomorrow will be 6th and 7th grade math. Wednesday will be 6th and 7th grade reading.  8th grade and 7th grade science will test next week. There will be no cell phones or smart watches allowed in the testing rooms. 6th and 7th graders:  Do not bring any books, papers, purses, etc to your math class today.  You will be testing and will not need anything. 7th period will leave your backpacks inside your teacher’s classroom and then report to the assigned lab quickly. Students must be quiet in the hallways between classes. We will be on silent bells. We are testing in many different rooms in the building so teachers do not allow students out of class during testing. The bells will only be on for fourth period and at the end of the day.

*Turn in your Code of Conduct Sheet to your 4th period teacher.  If you do not have your form turned in by today, you will begin receiving silent lunch until you bring in your form.

*Cross Country will begin practice today until 4pm.

*Bulldog Tatoos are on sale in the office for 50 cents each.

*This Thursday is our first football game. The game starts at 6pm. We will have a Pep Rally on Thursday and be on an activity schedule. Wear your Bulldogs shirts on Thursday and show your school pride.

*For every 10 Box Tops that you turn into the office, you will receive two tardy to class passes so start saving the box tops off of your food boxes and turn them into the office. Keep selling your T Shirt orders until September 7th.

*Teachers don’t forget test training today after school in the Library. Paraprofessionals will train with me in the library at the beginning of lunch. Also don’t forget your COTS proposals are due Friday.

*Congratulations to the students of the week: Ashia Ward and Kamia Hudson. They were nominated by Mrs. Gibbs.  Mrs. Gibbs states that the girls were building up a younger student who was having troubles with another student.  They set a good example of what a leader and peer helper should be. They brightened someone else’s day who was having trouble.

The following ladies were selected for Montevallo Varsity and Junior Varsity teams.

Girls Varsity Soccer

Hannah Locks
Leila Mendonca

Girls JV Soccer

Michelle Aguilar

Jasmine Altamirez

Didvanni Espinoza
Melanie Gutierrez
Nati Gutierrez

Mariah Honeycutt
Lizbet Salazar

  Have A Marvelous Monday

Daily Announcements 8/24/2018

*Birthdays: Today to Matthew Winslett and Sunday to Vidal OCampo


*Today will be LEAD/ADVISORY.  Make sure you know whose LEAD group that you are in.  It was on your schedule listed as Advisory.  6th Graders will meet with their 4th period teachers for LEAD.  We will be on an activity schedule today.

*Cross Country will begin practice on Monday until 4pm.

*4th period yesterday you received fundraiser packets to begin selling Bulldog T Shirts. The first 3 students to return their order envelope will receive 3 items at break of their choice and two extra tardy to class passes. Any student that turns in an order will receive two tardy to class passes.

*State testing will begin next week for students.  Tuesday will be 6th and 7th grade math. Wednesday will be 6th and 7th grade reading.  8th grade and 7th grade science will test the following week. There will be no cell phones or smart watches allowed in the testing rooms.

*Bulldog Tatoos are on sale in the office for 50 cents each.

*For every 10 Box Tops that you turn into the office, you will receive two tardy to class passes so start saving the box tops off of your food boxes and turn them into the office.

*Teachers don’t forget test training Monday after school in the Library. Also don’t forget your COTS proposals are due next Friday.

Have A Fantastic Friday