Daily Announcements 8/08/2018

*Birthdays: Today to Dara Hernandez and yesterday to Madison Peters


*If you did not purchase a locker, you must purchase one by Monday. After Monday if you do not have a locker, you will not be able to leave your backpack in the office, you will have to carry all of your books to and from school each day. There is no sharing of lockers.

*There are three bells between sixth and seventh periods: At 1:44 – bottom locker students are dismissed. At 1:48 – top locker students are dismissed (all bottom locker students should be on their way to7th period class when that second bell rings)

At 1:53 the tardy bell to 7th period rings.

*There will be a soccer interest meeting at the end of 4th period tomorrow in Mrs. Thomas’s computer lab. Only 7th and 8th graders who are interested in trying out for the soccer team should attend this meeting.

*The Open House and Meet Your Teachers Night will be on Monday August 20th from 5:30-7:30.

   Have A Wonderful Wednesday

May 24, 2018



*Birthdays: Today to Fernando Martinez and yesterday to Preston Burrous. Friday to Justin Holsomback, Jack Lint, and Brian Mandujauno.


*Today is the last day of school. School will dismiss at 12:47. Make sure that you take home all of your belongings.

*New 8th grade Ambassadors and Peer Helpers need to bring Mrs. Lusco a check for $25.00 for your T-Shirts. If you do not have it today, you must bring it to the office before June 5, 2018.

*There will be a Summer Mural Camp open to ages 11-17 from June 4-8 or June 18-22. The cost to sign up is $25.00.  There are only 10 slots per session.  The registration forms are in the office and the deadline is May 25th. Campers will participate in daily field trips and design and create a mural at MMS>

Have A Great Summer and Stay Safe!

May 23, 2018





*This morning will be movie day in your first period classes until lunch.  This afternoon there will be the faculty student basketball game for $2.00.

*Locker Clean Out will be announced by Mrs. Lewis. You must take everything home or it will be thrown away.  Please put your trash in a trash can and not on the floor.

*Tomorrow is the last day of school.  School will dismiss at 12:47.

*There will be a Summer Mural Camp open to ages 11-17 from June 4-8 or June 18-22. The cost to sign up is $25.00.  There are only 10 slots per session.  The registration forms are in the office and the deadline is May 25th. Campers will participate in daily field trips and design and create a mural at MMS>


Have A Wonderful Wednesday

May 22, 2018




* If you do not return your library books & textbooks or pay the fees for lost or damaged books, you will not be able to attend Spring Fling.

* Spring Fling will be today. The cost to get into Spring Fling will be $3.00. We will start the activities in the gym. There will be a concession stand, waterslide, gaga pit, basketball, etc when we go outside. Tickets will cost $1.00 each.  Concession stand items will be $1.00 and the other events may be one, two, or three tickets. There will be some free activities like Frisbee, football, etc. Those not attending Spring Fling will remain in the media center.

*Make sure that you save a few dollars from Spring Fling to attend the faculty student basketball game for $2.00 tomorrow.  Tomorrow morning will be movie day.

* *There will be a Summer Mural Camp open to ages 11-17 from June 4-8 or June 18-22. The cost to sign up is $25.00.  There are only 10 slots per session.  The registration forms are in the office and the deadline is May 25th. Campers will participate in daily field trips and design and create a mural at MMS>

 Have A Terrific Tuesday

May 21, 2018





* Awards Day will be this morning at 8:15. All students are expected to be on their best behavior.  It is appropriate to clap for a student but not to hoop or holler. If your name is called, please come quickly out of the audience to receive your award. The LOT reception for new LOT members will be immediately following the awards ceremony in the media center.

* If you do not return your library books & textbooks or pay the fees for lost or damaged books, you will not be able to attend Spring Fling.

* Spring Fling will be tomorrow. The cost to get into Spring Fling will be $3.00. There will be a concession stand, waterslide, gaga pit, basketball, etc. Tickets will cost $1.00 each.  Concession stand items will be $1.00 and the other events may be one, two, or three tickets. Make sure that you save a few dollars from Spring Fling to attend the faculty student basketball game for $2.00 on Wednesday.

*Kudos to Luke Emiliano and Aaron Tyes for helping clean up after the 8th grade picnic without being asked.

* *There will be a Summer Mural Camp open to ages 11-17 from June 4-8 or June 18-22. The cost to sign up is $25.00.  There are only 10 slots per session.  The registration forms are in the office and the deadline is May 25th. Campers will participate in daily field trips and design and create a mural at MMS

Have A Marvelous Monday

May 18, 2018



*Birthdays: William Zou


*Today will be the 8th grade Cookout. Those 8th graders not attending will stay in the media center.

*There will be a meeting at the beginning of 4th period today for all new ambassadors and peer helpers with Mrs. Lusco in Mrs. Moore’s Classroom.

* If you do not return your library books & textbooks or pay the fees for lost or damaged books, you will not be able to attend Spring Fling.

*The 8th grade class voted and the faculty vs student game will be basketball this year.  You will need to make sure that you save a few dollars from Spring Fling to attend the game for $2.00.  Spring Fling will be on Tuesday. The cost to get into Spring Fling will be $3.00. There will be a concession stand, waterslide, gaga pit, basketball, etc. Tickets will cost $1.00 each.  Concession stand items will be $1.00 and the other events may be one, two, or three tickets.

*Awards Day will be on Monday, at 8:15. All students are expected to be on their best behavior.  It is appropriate to clap for a student but not to hoop or holler.

*There will be a Summer Mural Camp open to ages 11-17 from June 4-8 or June 18-22. The cost to sign up is $25.00.  There are only 10 slots per session.  The registration forms are in the office and the deadline is May 25th. Campers will participate in daily field trips and design and create a mural at MMS>

Have A Fantastic Friday

May 17, 2018



*Character Education Quote: “It is better to be prepared for an opportunity than to have an opportunity and not be prepared” Les Brown



*The AB Honor Roll party will be this morning 3rd and 4th period in the gym.

*Tomorrow will be the 8th grade Cookout.

*Cheerleaders who have a Krispy Kreme order and have not turned it into Mrs. Bishop should do so today or your order will not get placed.

*The Talent Show is this afternoon.  The cost to attend is $2.00

*The LOT Graduation Dinner is tonight at 6pm at the Parnell Library .

*All new and current Student Council members need to meet in Mr. Week’s room at right after announcements.  New student councils members include Lizbet Salazar, Emilyano Hernandez Maldonado, Ben Locks, Haley Dang, Aylin Almora, Alyssa Stevenson, Natalia Sotelo, and Ana Karen Sanchez.

* If you do not return your library books & textbooks or pay the fees for lost or damaged books, you will not be able to attend Spring Fling.

*The 8th grade class voted and the faculty vs student game will be basketball this year.  You will need to make sure that you save a few dollars from Spring Fling to attend the game for $2.00.  The cost to get into Spring Fling will be $3.00. There will be a concession stand, waterslide, gaga pit, basketball, etc. Tickets will cost $1.00 each.  Concession stand items will be $1.00 and the other events may be one, two, or three tickets.

*Awards Day will be next Monday, May 21st at 8:15am.

*There will be a Summer Mural Camp open to ages 11-17 from June 4-8 or June 18-22. The cost to sign up is $25.00.  There are only 10 slots per session.  The registration forms are in the office and the deadline is May 25th. Campers will participate in daily field trips and design and create a mural at MMS>


Have A Thankful Thursday

May 16, 2018



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Trustworthiness

 *Quote of the Day: I don’t need a certain number of friends, just a number of friends I can be certain of.  Alice Walker

*Birthdays: Hailey Nantz


*This Friday will be the 8th grade Cookout.

* If you do not return your library books & textbooks or pay the fees for lost books, you will not be able to attend Spring Fling.

. *The Yearbook signing party is this afternoon for $2.00.

*The Talent Show is tomorrow afternoon.  The cost to attend is $2.00

*The LOT Graduation Dinner is tomorrow night at 6pm at the Parnell Library

*The 8th grade class voted and the faculty vs student game will be basketball this year.  You will need to make sure that you save a few dollars from Spring Fling to attend the game for $2.00.  The cost to get into Spring Fling will be $3.00. There will be a concession stand, waterslide, gaga pit, basketball, etc. Tickets will cost $1.00 each.  Concession stand items will be $1.00 and the other events may be one, two, or three tickets.

*Awards Day will be next Monday, May 21st at 8:15am.

*There will be a Summer Mural Camp open to ages 11-17 from June 4-8 or June 18-22. The cost to sign up is $25.00.  There are only 10 slots per session.  The registration forms are in the office and the deadline is May 25th. Campers will participate in daily field trips and design and create a mural at MMS>


Have A Wonderful Wednesday

May 15, 2018



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Trustworthiness

 *Quote of the Day: Few delights can equal the mere presence of one whom we trust utterly   George McDonald

*Birthdays: Tyler Lucas


*This Friday will be the 8th grade Cookout. 8th graders need to turn in their permission slips to Mr. Weeks by tomorrow.

*All library books are due today.  Look everywhere for your lost books.  If you do not return the book or pay the fees for lost books, you will not be able to attend Spring Fling.

. *The Yearbook signing party is tomorrow for $2.00.

*The Talent Show is on Thursday.  The cost to attend is $2.00

*The LOT Graduation Dinner is Thursday night at 6pm at the Parnell Library

*The 8th grade class voted and the faculty vs student game will be basketball this year.  You will need to make sure that you save a few dollars from Spring Fling to attend the game for $2.00.  The cost to get into Spring Fling will be $3.00. There will be a concession stand, waterslide, gaga pit, basketball, etc. Tickets will cost $1.00 each.  Concession stand items will be $1.00 and the other events may be one, two, or three tickets.

*Yearbooks are on sale for $35.00. There are only a few left. Please bring cash or check made out to MMS to Mrs. Harding.

*Awards Day will be next Monday, May 21st at 8:15am.

*There will be a Summer Mural Camp open to ages 11-17 from June 4-8 or June 18-22. The cost to sign up is $25.00.  There are only 10 slots per session.  The registration forms are in the office and the deadline is May 25th. Campers will participate in daily field trips and design and create a mural at MMS>


Have A Terrific Tuesday