February 07, 2018



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Cooperation

*Quote of the Day: We may have all come on different ships, but we’re all in the same boat now. -Martin Luther King Jr.



*Friday will be LEAD.

*The Book Fair will continue all week.

*7th Grade Math Team will practice today after school.

*PJ Day will be tomorrow to support wrestling.

*Next Wednesday will be the Valentine’s Day.

*Want to send a special message in celebration of Valentine’s Day? For only $1.00 you can share your love with a Video Valentine message. They will be played in the cafeteria during lunch on Valentine’s Day next Wednesday. See a band member or Mrs. Underwood to purchase your video today.

*All candy money will be due on Monday, February 12th.

*Members of the MMS Student Council and Junior City Council who are attending the Student Institute will meet in Mr. Weeks room at 8am today.  Check with your teachers for any make up work that you may miss.

*MMS Students are invited to come out and check out the Teen Center this week at no cost. The Boys and Girls Club Van will pick you up after school and take you to the Teen Center for video games, basketball, ping pong, arts and crafts, music, and food.  It will be open until 6pm. The week will end up with an after school hours event this Friday February 9th until 11pm with food, fun, and friends.  This is for middle school students only.  You will need a parent permission slip to attend. The slips were attached to your progress report.

* Have you thought about what it is like to spin a flag or do flag tricks? Come hang out with the colorguard starting today after school and everyday after school until Thursday afternoon until 4pm. There is NO Cost.   Would you like to be a majorette, on the danceline, or on the colorguard? There is a parent interest meeting on Feb. 8th at 6:00. 3. Auxiliary (Majorettes, Danceline, Colorguard) clinics are held Feb. 21st – March 1st, Try-outs will be on March 2nd.

*Tomorrow night will be the UM Basketball Homecoming Game.  You should have received free tickets with your progress reports.

*Yearbooks are on sale today for $30.00.

*The 2018-2019 MMS Cheerleading Try-outs Clinic will be on March 12-15 @ MHS from 3:00-5:00. Try-outs will be on Friday, March 16 @ MHS 3:00.  Please see Mrs. Bishop for the registration packet.  There will be a parent interest meeting Tuesday, February 27th at 5:30 in the Media Center.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday

February 06, 2018



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Cooperation

*Quote of the Day: Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.-Hellen Keller

*Birthdays: Emma Odom


*Friday will be LEAD.

*The Book Fair will last all week.

*7th Grade Math Team will practice tomorrow (Wednesday)

*PJ Day will be Thursday to support wrestling.

*All candy money will be due on Monday, February 12th.

*Wish the 6th grade Scholar’s Bowl team luck as they compete tomorrow.

*Members of the MMS Student Council and Junior City Council who are attending the Student Institute will meet in Mr. Weeks room at 8am tomorrow (Wednesday). Check with your teachers for any make up work that you may miss.

*MMS Students are invited to come out and check out the Teen Center this week at no cost. The Boys and Girls Club Van will pick you up after school and take you to the Teen Center for video games, basketball, ping pong, arts and crafts, music, and food.  It will be open until 6pm. The week will end up with an after school hours event this Friday February 9th until 11pm with food, fun, and friends.  This is for middle school students only.  You will need a parent permission slip to attend. The slips were attached to your progress report.

* Have you thought about what it is like to spin a flag or do flag tricks? Come hang out with the colorguard starting today after school and everyday after school until Thursday afternoon until 4pm. There is NO Cost.   Would you like to be a majorette, on the danceline, or on the colorguard? There is a parent interest meeting on Feb. 8th at 6:00. 3. Auxiliary (Majorettes, Danceline, Colorguard) clinics are held Feb. 21st – March 1st, Try-outs will be on March 2nd.

*Thursday night will be the UM Basketball Homecoming Game.  You should have received free tickets with your progress reports.

*Yearbooks are on sale today for $30.00.

*The 2018-2019 MMS Cheerleading Try-outs Clinic will be on March 12-15 @ MHS from 3:00-5:00. Try-outs will be on Friday, March 16 @ MHS 3:00.  Please see Mrs. Bishop for the registration packet.  There will be a parent interest meeting Tuesday, February 27th at 5:30 in the Media Center.  

  Have a Terrific Tuesday

February 05, 2018



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Cooperation

*Quote of the Day: Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. ” ― Chief Seattle

*Birthdays: Emily Dutton and Oscar Dominquez.  Yesterday to Fantasia Mann.


*Friday will be LEAD.

*7th and 8th grade Scholar’s Bowl will practice today after school. The tournament is on Friday.  6th grade will compete on Wednesday.

*The Book Fair will start today and last all week.

*Yearbooks are on sale today for $30.00.

*PJ Day will be Thursday to support wrestling.

*Members of the MMS Student Council and Junior City Council who are attending the Student Institute will meet in Mr. Weeks room at 8am on Wednesday (Feb 7th). Check with your teachers for any make up work that you may miss.

*MMS Students are invited to come out and check out the Teen Center this week at no cost. The Boys and Girls Club Van will pick you up after school and take you to the Teen Center for video games, basketball, ping pong, arts and crafts, music, and food.  It will be open until 6pm. The week will end up with an after school hours event this Friday February 9th until 11pm with food, fun, and friends.  This is for middle school students only.  You will need a parent permission slip to attend. The slips were attached to your progress report.

* Have you thought about what it is like to spin a flag or do flag tricks? Come hang out with the colorguard starting today after school and everyday after school until Thursday afternoon until 4pm. There is NO Cost.   Would you like to be a majorette, on the danceline, or on the colorguard? There is a parent interest meeting on Feb. 8th at 6:00. 3. Auxiliary (Majorettes, Danceline, Colorguard) clinics are held Feb. 21st – March 1st, Try-outs will be on March 2nd.

*Thursday night will be the UM Basketball Homecoming Game.  You should have received free tickets with your progress reports.

*The 2018-2019 MMS Cheerleading Try-outs Clinic will be on March 12-15 @ MHS from 3:00-5:00. Try-outs will be on Friday, March 16 @ MHS 3:00.  Please see Mrs. Bishop for the registration packet.  There will be a parent interest meeting Tuesday, February 27th at 5:30 in the Media Center.

*Congratulations to the student of the week: Jaylon Hudson. He was nominated by Mrs. Bishop. Mrs. Bishop states that Jaylon is always polite and respectful to his teachers and helpful and friendly to his classmates.  

Have a Marvelous Monday

February 02,2018



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Punctuality

*Quote of the Day: I could never think well of a man’s intellectual or moral character, if he was habitually unfaithful to his appointments.”



*Today is break.

*Progress reports will go home today.

*All archery members that have not paid their $10 for the regional tournament need to bring the money to Coach Jett as soon as possible, so we can register for the tournament in March.  Only 4 have paid so far.

*COTS and Team Pictures will be this morning.

*The Book Fair will start on Monday.

*Yearbooks are on sale for $30.00.

*The 2018-2019 MMS Cheerleading Try-outs Clinic will be on March 12-15 @ MHS from 3:00-5:00. Try-outs will be on Friday, March 16 @ MHS 3:00.  Please see Mrs. Bishop for the registration packet.  There will be a parent interest meeting Tuesday, February 27th at 5:30 in the Media Center.

Have a Fantastic Friday

February 01, 2018



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Punctuality

*Quote of the Day: I could never think well of a man’s intellectual or moral character, if he was habitually unfaithful to his appointments.”

*Birthdays: Ashton Holmes


*Friday will be break so don’t have any tardies or silent lunches.

*Progress reports will go home tomorrow.

*All archery members that have not paid their $10 for the regional tournament need to bring the money to Coach Jett as soon as possible, so we can register for the tournament in March.  Only 4 have paid so far.

*COTS and Team Pictures will be tomorrow morning. All groups who have T-Shirts, please remember to wear them tomorrow.

*The Book Fair will start on Monday.

*Yearbooks are on sale for $30.00.

*The 2018-2019 MMS Cheerleading Try-outs Clinic will be on March 12-15 @ MHS from 3:00-5:00. Try-outs will be on Friday, March 16 @ MHS 3:00.  Please see Mrs. Bishop for the registration packet.  There will be a parent interest meeting Tuesday, February 27th at 5:30 in the Media Center.

Have a Thankful Thursday

January 31, 2018



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Punctuality

*Quote of the Day: “The while we keep a man waiting, he reflects on our shortcomings”  French Proverb

*Birthdays: Bishop Turner


*Friday will be break so don’t have any tardies or silent lunches.

*Progress reports will go home on Friday.

*7th grade Math team will not have practice today.

*Teachers there is a faculty meeting after school today in the library.

*Anyone interested in submitting work for consideration for the Shelby County Literary Magazine needs to have it typed and submitted to Ms. Moore by today!

*COTS and Team Pictures will be on Friday morning. All groups who have T-Shirts, please remember to wear them on Friday.

*The Book Fair will be next week.

*Yearbooks are on sale today for $25.00.  Starting tomorrow they are $30.00

*The 2018-2019 MMS Cheerleading Try-outs Clinic will be on March 12-15 @ MHS from 3:00-5:00. Try-outs will be on Friday, March 16 @ MHS 3:00.  Please see Mrs. Bishop for the registration packet.  There will be a parent interest meeting Tuesday, February 27th at 5:30 in the Media Center.


Have a Wonderful Wednesday

January 30, 2018



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Punctuality

*Quote of the Day: ““Better never than late”  George Bernard Shaw



*Friday will be break so don’t have any tardies or silent lunches.

*Progress reports will go home on Friday.

*The cafeteria will have hot wings today instead of chicken flatbread.

*Today will be a Scholar’s Bowl practice match for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade here at MMS against Helena after school.

*7th grade Math team will practice tomorrow.

*Anyone interested in submitting work for consideration for the Shelby County Literary Magazine needs to have it typed and submitted to Ms. Moore by Wednesday.

*COTS and Team Pictures will be on Friday morning. Ambassadors please wear your shirts for the picture.

*The Book Fair will be next week.

*Yearbooks are on sale this month for $25.00.  Next week they are $30.00

*The 2018-2019 MMS Cheerleading Try-outs Clinic will be on March 12-15 @ MHS from 3:00-5:00. Try-outs will be on Friday, March 16 @ MHS 3:00.  Please see Mrs. Bishop for the registration packet.  There will be a parent interest meeting Tuesday, February 27th at 5:30 in the Media Center.

Have a Terrific Tuesday

January 29, 2018



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Punctuality

*Quote of the Day: “Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no delay, no procrastination; never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.”  Lord Chesterfield

*Birthdays: Alex Mejia


*Friday will be break so don’t have any tardies or silent lunches.

*Progress reports will go home on Friday.

*8th grade Scholars Bowl will practice after school today.

*Tomorrow will be a Scholar’s Bowl practice match for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade here at MMS against Helena after school.

*7th grade Math team will practice on Wednesday.

*Anyone interested in submitting work for consideration for the Shelby County Literary Magazine needs to have it typed and submitted to Ms. Moore by Wednesday.

*COTS and Team Pictures will be on Friday morning. Ambassadors please wear your shirts for the picture.

*The Book Fair will be next week.

*Yearbooks are on sale this month for $25.00.  Next week they are $30.00

*The 2018-2019 MMS Cheerleading Try-outs Clinic will be on March 12-15 @ MHS from 3:00-5:00. Try-outs will be on Friday, March 16 @ MHS 3:00.  Please see Mrs. Bishop for the registration packet.  There will be a parent interest meeting Tuesday, February 27th at 5:30 in the Media Center.

*Congratulations to the following students who won the FCCLA cook Off-Kobe Cottingham in the Beef Category , Kelsey Nelson in the Dairy Dessert Category, and Hannah Locks in the Poultry Category.  Thanks to everyone who participated.  The entries were all delicious and it was a tough decision to decide the winners.

*Congratulations to the JUNA Team. Their resolution passed the committee meetings and the General Assembly with a 39 to 8 vote. The Team won the Outstanding Presentation Award and Olivia Gilbert won the Erin McPherson Award. They represented the country of Turkey.


Have a Marvelous Monday

January 26, 2018



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Self Control

*Quote of the Day: “Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.”Lao Tzu (philosopher of ancient China)


*Announcements: *Today we will be on an activity schedule for COTS.

*Soccer practice will be every day after school every day until 4:30.

*Anyone interested in submitting work for consideration for the Shelby County Literary Magazine needs to have it typed and submitted to Ms. Moore by the 31st of January.  It can be short stories, essays, or poems

*The Montevallo Day of Pageants will be held Saturday, Feb. 3 All entry forms and payments must be turned in by today.

*Yearbooks are on sale this month for $25.00.  After that, they increase to $30.00.  In May they become $35.00 so order your book now.  You can bring the form and money to Mrs. Harding.

*The 2018-2019 MMS Cheerleading Try-outs Clinic will be on March 12-15 @ MHS from 3:00-5:00. Try-outs will be on Friday, March 16 @ MHS 3:00.  Please see Mrs. Bishop for the registration packet.  There will be a parent interest meeting Tuesday, February 27th at 5:30 in the Media Center.


Have a Fantastic Friday

January 25, 2018


*Character Education Theme for the Week: Self Control

*Quote of the Day: “He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.”

*Birthdays: Shayr Perez


*Tomorrow will be COTS.

*7th and 8th Grade Scholar’s Bowl will have a practice match today in Calera.  Please get a ride to and from Calera Middle School after school for the match.

*Soccer practice will be every day after school every day until 4:30.

*Track Tryouts are today after school until 4:30pm. There will be a parent meeting Monday night at 5pm.

*6th grade Scholars’ Bowl has a match at Columbiana today after school. Make sure your transportation form and permission slips are turned in to Mrs. Nelson

*The Lunchroom will have Breakfast for lunch today and not hot wings.

*Anyone interested in submitting work for consideration for the Shelby County Literary Magazine needs to have it typed and submitted to Ms. Moore by the 31st of January.  It can be short stories, essays, or poems

*The Montevallo Day of Pageants will be held Saturday, Feb. 3 All entry forms and payments must be turned in by Friday, Jan. 26th

*Yearbooks are on sale this month for $25.00.  After that, they increase to $30.00.  In May they become $35.00 so order your book now.  You can bring the form and money to Mrs. Harding.

*The 2018-2019 MMS Cheerleading Try-outs Clinic will be on March 12-15 @ MHS from 3:00-5:00. Try-outs will be on Friday, March 16 @ MHS 3:00.  Please see Mrs. Bishop for the registration packet.  There will be a parent interest meeting Tuesday, February 27th at 5:30 in the Media Center.

*The 20th Annual Heart of Dixie Pageant and Most Photogenic Contest will be held on February 24th at Jemison High School. Scholarships will be awarded to the winners.  Girls ages 0-21 are invited to participate.  If you are interested in participating in this pageant, there are registration forms in the front office.  The deadline to turn in the forms is February 7th.

Have a Thoughtful Thursday