February 18, 2016



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Perseverance

Quote of the Day: “Fall seven times, stand up eight.  ~Japanese Proverb

*African American History Spotlight for the Day: Did you know that Maya Angelou was an African-American author, playwright, poet, dancer, actress, and singer. She wrote over 36 books.  She is best known for her first autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1969). She wrote a poem which she read at President Clinton’s inauguration and she was nominated for an Emmy for playing Kunte Kinte’s grandmother in the movie Roots. She died in 2014.

  • Happy Birthday: Jayla Starr
  • Announcements:

 *There will be a Mandatory parent meeting tonight at 6 PM in the PAC at the High School for any 8th grade girl interested in cheerleading next year.  You will pick up your packets tonight.

*All Coupon Book Money is due to Ms. Snyder immediately.

*8th graders need to turn in their high school registration packets to Ms. Allen today during Mr. Week’s classes.  You need to have your parents and teacher’s signatures on them.

*The 7th grade math team will meet this afternoon with Ms. Stevenson

*Students attending the Write in the Middle Conference will meet in the lobby this morning at 8am when called by the office.

*Tomorrow will be break schedule so make sure that you do not have any tardies or silent lunches.

*There is a mandatory parent meeting for those interested in MMS cheerleading on Monday, February 22 at 5:00 PM in the media center.  Registration packets will be available for pick-up that night

* If you need an application packet to the new Teen Center, they are in the front office

Have a Thoughtful Thursday