September 21, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Courage

*Quote of the Day: “The ultimate measure of a person is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where they stand at times of challenge and controversy”   Martin Luther King Jr

Happy Birthday: Kam’ron Goins


*Today Homecoming Activities begin.    Tomorrow will be Decades day (dress from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s etc).  Friday will be Celebrity Day. The Homecoming Dance will be on Friday from 3-5pm.  The cost will be $5.00. Monday is Twins Day and Tuesday is Spirit Day.   Every day there will be a competition between the grade levels and Mrs. Lewis will count how many students from each grade level dressed up.  At the end of the homecoming week festivities, the grade level with the best participation will win a prize.

*The volleyball team will play in Chelsea tomorrow night.

Wonderful Wednesday