September 22, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Courage

*Quote of the Day: Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. Winston Churchill

Happy Birthday:


*For Homecoming Dress Up tomorrow it will be Celebrity Day. (Dress like your favorite celebrity). The Homecoming Dance will be tomorrow from 3-5pm.  The cost will be $5.00 at the door.  Your parents must pick you up right at 5pm.

*Kona Ice will be sold during the dance.  The cost is anywhere from $3:00 to $5:00 depending in the size you get. Proceeds will support the MMS Chess Club.

*Monday is Twins Day (dress like your best buddy) and Tuesday is Spirit Day (wear your orange and blue).   Every day there will be a competition between the grade levels and Mrs. Lewis will count how many students from each grade level dressed up.  At the end of the homecoming week festivities, the grade level with the best participation will win a prize.

*The volleyball team will play in Chelsea tonight at 5 and 6pm.

*FBLA officers will be on a field trip today.

Have a Thoughtful Thursday