September 23, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Courage

*Quote of the Day: “One isn’t necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous or honest”  Maya Angelou

Happy Birthday:


*We are on a regular schedule today.  COTS will be next Friday.

*For Homecoming Dress Up Monday it will be Twins Day.  Dress like twins with another student.  Tuesday will be spirit day.  Dress in Montevallo Spirit clothes.

*Kona Ice will be sold during the dance tonight.  The cost is anywhere from $3:00 to $5:00 depending in the size you get. Proceeds will support the MMS Chess Club.

*Tonight’s dance cost $5.00 to attend.  You will pay at the door.  Please remain in the classroom after the bell and listen for the announcements for your grade level to attend.  Your parents must pick you up right at 5pm.

*If you are not caught up on all of your schoolwork, you will not attend the Pep Rally on Tuesday.

Have a Fantastic Friday.