January 30, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Punctuality

*Quote of the Day: “Unfaithfulness in the keeping of an appointment is an act of clear dishonesty. You may as well borrow a person’s money as his time”   Horace Mann

Happy Birthday:


*Don’t forget about the free basketball game tonight at the University of Montevallo.  The free ticket you received on Friday gets your entire family into the girls and boys games beginning at 5:30pm.

*Math tutoring begins today after school in Mrs. Whitt-Wright’s room from 3-4pm.  Make sure your parents know to pick you up at 4pm.  You must have a parent permission form in order to stay.

*Tomorrow night is the Montevallo Chess Night at Montevallo Elementary School from 4-6 in the MES Cafeteria.  All students and parents are invited to attend.

*This Friday will be break so make sure that you do not have any tardies or silent lunches this week.

*The BETA Club induction will be held on Friday morning at 8:15am.

*8th Grade students:  There will be a parent meeting at Montevallo High School on Wednesday, February 15th at 6:30 pm for all 8th grade students and their parents to learn about high school graduation credits, course selections, and extra-curricular activities at the high school.

*Mrs. Moore will be accepting literary magazine submissions until Tuesday. They can be poems, artwork with a writing selection, essays, or short stories.  All students are encouraged to submit something.

*There is a Sock Drive for the needy students of Montevallo.  New socks, underwear, or T Shirt’s donation boxes are in the office and in the school cafeteria for students who would like to donate to this worthy cause. The donations need to be placed in the box before tomorrow.

*Montevallo Day of Pageants forms are due back by Friday.

*Coupon Books are here! Only $25.00

*Any student interested in participating in “Black History’s Untold Heroes” at the University of Montevallo on February 18th, needs to pick up a permission form in the office.

*Congratulations to the student of the week:  Jaime Diaz.  He was nominated by Mrs. Guraya.  Mrs. Guraya states that Jaime has demonstrated outstanding work ethic in his academics and always has a positive attitude.


Have a Marvelous Monday