April 23, 2018



*Character Education Theme for the Week:  Respect for the Enivronment

 *Quote of the Day:  There is a sufficiency in the world for man’s need but not for man’s greed.  ~Mohandas K. Gandhi

*Birthdays: Dante Juarez


This Friday will be COTS.

*Football tryouts will start today. Those staying after school today for tryouts need to report to the gym on the second bell.

*Any 8th grader interested in playing high school golf, there is an interest form to sign up in the office.

*8th Grade will test tomorrow and Wednesday.  No cell phones, smart watches, books, purses, etc are allowed in the testing rooms.

*8th Graders-please remember to turn in your permission slips for the high school visit and for the 8th grade Picnic.  If your parents wish to donate items or volunteer for the picnic, please let Mrs. Deerman know as soon as possible.

*If you are an athlete and you failed a class last nine weeks or currently failing, you must attend after school tutoring with Mrs. Dinkins on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  If you do not, you may not be able to participate in sports next year.

Have A Marvelous Monday