April 24, 2018



*Character Education Theme for the Week:  Respect for the Environment

 *Quote of the Day:  We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.  ~Native American Proverb



*This Friday will be COTS.

*Football tryouts will continue today. Those staying after school today for tryouts need to report to the gym on the second bell.

*High school Boy’s basketball tryouts will be April 30th-May 2nd at the MHS gym from 3:15-5:00pm. You must have signed up to tryout, have a current physical on file, and filled out a permission form and returned it to Coach D by Monday, April 30th.  If you do not have these items turned in, you will not be able to try out.

*There will be a PJ Day on Thursday to support the soccer team.

*Any 8th grader interested in playing high school golf, there is an interest form to sign up in the office.

*8th Grade will test today and tomorrow.  No cell phones, smart watches, books, purses, etc are allowed in the testing rooms.  Other student must get their belongings for first through 3rd periods as you will not be able to go to your locker during passing periods. The bells will be off until lunch.

*8th Graders-please remember to turn in your permission slips for the high school visit and for the 8th grade Picnic.  If your parents wish to donate items or volunteer for the picnic, please let Mrs. Deerman know as soon as possible.

*If you are an athlete and you failed a class last nine weeks or currently failing, you must attend after school tutoring with Mrs. Dinkins on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  If you do not, you may not be able to participate in sports next year.

*Any 8th grader who has not turned in their permission slip to Mr. Weeks for Friday’s field trip to the high school by 8am this morning will not be able to go.

*Mrs. Sapp’s 8th grade ELA class will be on a field trip on Thursday.

Have A Terrific Tuesday