February 23, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week: Diligence

Quote of the Day:  ““Diligence is the mother of good luck.” Benjamin Franklin

*Quote of the Day:

Happy Birthday:


*Anyone interested in raising money for the American Heart Association and participating in Hoops for Heart needs to see Coach Jett or Coach Horton for a form.  The Hoops for Heart celebration will be Tuesday, Feb. 28 in the gym during P.E. for students that raise $5 or more.  Let’s give to a good cause and try to reach our $1,000 goal this year.

*All archery team members need to remember to bring in their money for t-shirt and regional competition.

*Please continue to turn in box tops.  Mrs. Snyder is mailing some off on March 1st.  Remember for every 10 you turn in, you can earn free tardy to class passes.

*Attention 8th graders:  When you complete your registration packets, you will turn them into Ms. Allen today during Mr. Week’s class with signatures from your parents and your teachers.

*Tennis will have a match today at Riverchase Middle at 4pm

*This Friday will be COTS so we will be on an activity schedule.

*Next Monday will be COTS and Team Pictures for the Yearbook.

Have a Thankful Thursday

February 22, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week: Diligence

Quote of the Day:  “The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.”

*Quote of the Day:

Happy Birthday: Ashia Ward and Tamadreon Purnell


*Please continue to turn in box tops.  Mrs. Snyder is mailing some off on March 1st.  Remember for every 10 you turn in, you can earn free tardy to class passes.

*Attention 8th graders:  When you complete your registration packets, you will turn them into Ms. Allen this Thursday with signatures from your parents and your teachers.  If you did not get one the other day, please see Mrs. Lusco to get one.

.*Soccer will have a game today  at Helena at 5:30pm.

*Tennis will have a match tomorrow at Riverchase  at 4pm


*This Friday will be COTS so we will be on an activity schedule.

*Next Monday will be COTS and Team Pictures for the Yearbook.

Have a Wonderful Wednsday

February 21, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week: Diligence

*Quote of the Day: “He who labors diligently need never despair; for all things are accomplished by diligence and labor.”
Menander of Athens

Happy Birthday:


*Please continue to turn in box tops.  Mrs. Snyder is mailing some off on March 1st.  Remember for every 10 you turn in, you can earn free tardy to class passes.

*Attention 8th graders:  When you complete your registration packets, you will turn them into Ms. Allen this Thursday with signatures from your parents and your teachers.  If you did not get one the other day, please see Mrs. Lusco to get one.

*Tennis will have a match today at UM against Westminster at 4pm.

*Soccer will have a game tomorrow at Helena at 5:30pm.

*This Friday will be COTS so we will be on an activity schedule.

*Congratulations to the student of the week:  Baylen Key.  He was nominated by Mrs. Lewis who stated that Baylen demonstrated the character trait of honesty and integrity when a student lost their valentines candy and he found it and tracked the student down to give it to them.

Have a Terrific Tuesday

February 17, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week: Perseverance

*Quote of the Day: Don’t be discouraged.  It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.  ~Author Unknown

Happy Birthday: Saturday to Jayla Starr and Ashton Dawkins


*We are on a regular schedule today

*The Scoliosis screening for all students will be today during PE classes.

*Please continue to turn in box tops.  Mrs. Snyder is mailing some off on March 1st.  Remember for every 10 you turn in you can earn free tardy to class passes.

*Attention 8th graders:  When you complete your registration packets, you will turn them into Ms. Allen next Thursday with signatures from your parents and your teachers.  If you did not get one the other day, please see Mrs. Lusco to get one.

*There will be no school on Monday due to President’s Day.

*Several students will be attending the Write in the Middle workshop today.

*Soccer has a tournament today and tomorrow at Lakeshore.

Have a Fantastic Friday

February 16, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week: Perseverance

*Quote of the Day: ““Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance”  Samuel Johnson

Happy Birthday:


*BETA clubs members:  All coupon book money is due today.

*The Scoliosis screening for all students will be on Friday instead of today.

*Attention 8th graders:  When you complete your registration packets, you will turn them into Ms. Allen next Thursday with signatures from your parents and your teachers.

*The LOT and Choir students will be on a field trip today to the Civil Rights Museum.

*Teachers don’t forget about the Montevallo Connections Meeting at Montevallo Elementary school at 4:00 today.

*Candy money is due today and you will have silent lunch every day until you turn in your money.

*There will be no school on Monday due to President’s Day

Have a Thoughtful Thursday

February 15, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week: Perseverance

*Quote of the Day: “Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.  ~Newt Gingrich

Happy Birthday: Tanya Martinez and Grace Tibbets


*7th Grade math team will not meet today after school.

*BETA clubs members:  All coupon book money is due tomorrow.

*There will be a golf informational meeting tomorrow at 7:15am in the library.  All interested students should attend.

*The Scoliosis screening for all students will be tomorrow.

*Attention 8th graders:  Mrs. Allen will be here today in your social studies classes to discuss high school registration for next year.  Make sure that you do not lose the forms that she gives you.  You will turn them in next week with your parents and teacher’s signatures on them.

*The LOT and Choir students will be on a field trip tomorrow to the Civil Rights Museum.

*Candy money is due today and you will have silent lunch every day until you turn in your money.

*Any students who have not taken all 4 parts of the Aspire Interim test need to meet Mrs. Lusco in Lab 28 today during 4th period.  This includes the students who were on the field trip yesterday morning and missed their science assessment.

*Yearbook are now on sale for $30.00.  Be sure to reserve your copy before they run out.  You can bring a check or cash to Mrs. Harding or pay online.  Please see Mrs. Harding if you have any questions.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday

February 14, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week: Perseverance

*Quote of the Day: “Success consists of getting up just one more time that you fall”  Oliver Goldsmith

Happy Birthday: Dekota Brown and Terion Lilly


*Track practice will continue today from 3:00-4:30.

*The Scoliosis screening for all students will be on Thursday of this week.

*The Ambassadors and 8th grade Peer Helpers will be gone today to Linda Nolen.

*Attention 8th graders:  Mrs. Allen will be here tomorrow in your social studies classes to discuss high school registration for next year.  Make sure that you do not lose the forms that she gives you.  You will turn them in next week with your parents and teacher’s signatures on them.

*The LOT and Choir students will be on a field trip on Thursday to the Civil Rights Museum.

*Candy money is due today and you will have silent lunch every day until you turn in your money.

*Yearbook are now on sale for $30.00.  Be sure to reserve your copy before they run out.  You can bring a check or cash to Mrs. Harding or pay online.  Please see Mrs. Harding if you have any questions.


Have a Terrific Tuesday

February 13, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week: Perseverance

*Quote of the Day: “I never failed once. I invented the light bulb. It just happened to be a 2,000 step process” Thomas Edison

Happy Birthday: Alyse Jones and Cameron Lucius


*The Soccer team will have their first game today at 5:30pm at Thompson.

*Track practice will begin today from 3:00-4:30.

*The Scoliosis screening for all students will be on Thursday of this week.

*The Ambassadors and Peer Helpers will be gone tomorrow to Linda Nolen. Please make sure that you dress up nice.

*Candy money is due today and you will have silent lunch every day until you turn in your money.

*Yearbook are now on sale for $30.00.  Be sure to reserve your copy before they run out.  You can bring a check or cash to Mrs. Harding or pay online.  Please see Mrs. Harding if you have any questions.

*Congratulations to the student of the week: Jon Mancha.  He was nominated by Coach Horton.  Coach Horton stated that Jon demonstrated the character trait of honesty when he turned in money that he found in the locker room.

*Congratulations to the 8th grade scholar’s bowl team who placed first in the Shelby County Tournament.  Will Landers placed third overall among all of the competitors.

Have a Marvelous Monday

February 10, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week: Cooperation

*Quote of the Day:

In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.

-Charles Darwin


Happy Birthday: Today to Luke Oden and Ayana Lomax and Saturday to Jaden Wright and Breana Jenkins


*There will be a Valentine’s Dance today at 1pm.  The cost is $5.00.  Carnations will be sold for $2.00 during the dance to help out the track team.

*Yearbook are now on sale for $30.00.  Be sure to reserve your copy before they run out.  You can bring a check or cash to Mrs. Harding or pay online.  Please see Mrs. Harding if you have any questions.

*The Soccer team will have their first game on Monday at 5:30pm at Thompson.


Have a Fantastic Friday

February 9, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week: Cooperation

*Quote of the Day: The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side.-Margaret Carty

Happy Birthday: Bernardo Rodriquez and Alexa Best


*8th Grade students:  There will be a parent meeting at Montevallo High School tonight at 6:30 pm for all 8th grade students and their parents to learn about high school graduation credits, course selections, and extra-curricular activities at the high school.

*There will be a Valentine’s Dance on Friday during the school day for $5.00.  No concessions will be sold during the dance since it will be held in the gym. It will be a sock hop and door prizes will be given.  The Track team will be selling carnations during the dance for $2.00.

*Yearbook are now on sale for $30.00.  Be sure to reserve your copy before they run out.  You can bring a check or cash to Mrs. Harding or pay online.  Please see Mrs. Harding if you have any questions.

*Wish the 7th and 8th grade Scholar’s Bowl team luck tomorrow as they compete at the County Scholar’s Bowl Tournament.


Have a Thankful Thursday