January 26, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Self Control

*Quote of the Day: “We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.”

Jesse Owens


Happy Birthday:


*Tomorrow will be COTS.

* JUNA will compete today and tomorrow.

*The physical field trip is tomorrow.  Please bring your PE clothes to change into when you are called out of class to do so.

*Students please bring back your tutoring forms that were given to you on Friday. Math tutoring will begin on Monday, January 30th after school.

*Next Tuesday night is the Montevallo Chess Night at Montevallo Elementary School from 4-6 in the MES Cafeteria.

*8th Grade students:  There will be a parent meeting at Montevallo High School on Wednesday, February 15th at 6:30 pm for all 8th grade students and their parents to learn about high school graduation credits, course selections, and extra-curricular activities at the high school.

*Mrs. Moore will be accepting literary magazine submissions until the end of January. They can be poems, artwork with a writing selection, essays, or short stories.  All students are encouraged to submit something.

*Yearbooks are on sale now for a discounted price of $25.00 for the month of January. Hurry and reserve your copy before the price increases in February.  See Mrs. Harding or a yearbook member for details.

*Tomorrow students and their families will be given free tickets to the UM Basketball game that will be played on Monday, January 30th.

*There is a Sock Drive for the needy students of Montevallo.  New socks, underwear, or T Shirt’s donation boxes are in the office and in the school cafeteria for students who would like to donate to this worthy cause. The donations need to be placed in the box before January 31st.

*The Montevallo Day of Pageants will be held on Saturday, February 11th.  Any girl K-12 wanting to participate must fill out the registration forms.  The forms are available in the MMS office.  Registration forms and fees are due to the MMS office by Friday, February 3rd.

Have a Thoughtful Thursday

January 25, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Self Control

*Quote of the Day: Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.”

Lao Tzu


Happy Birthday:


*This Friday will be COTS.

* JUNA will compete tomorrow  and Friday.

*Students please bring back your tutoring forms that were given to you on Friday. Math tutoring will begin on Monday, January 30th after school.

*Students that are interested in being an athlete at MMS or MHS next year who need their current physical updated or are a current 6th or 7th grader who has never had a physical need to see coach Jett, Coach Horton or Coach Knight for a form to attend the Sports Physical Field Trip this Friday. The cost is $10.00

*Next Tuesday night is the Montevallo Chess Night at Montevallo Elementary School from 4-6 in the MES Cafeteria.

*8th Grade students:  There will be a parent meeting at Montevallo High School on Wednesday, February 15th at 6:30 pm for all 8th grade students and their parents to learn about high school graduation credits, course selections, and extra-curricular activities at the high school.

*Mrs. Moore will be accepting literary magazine submissions until the end of January. They can be poems, artwork with a writing selection, essays, or short stories.  All students are encouraged to submit something.

*Yearbooks are on sale now for a discounted price of $25.00 for the month of January. Hurry and reserve your copy before the price increases in February.  See Mrs. Harding or a yearbook member for details.

*On Friday, students and their families will be given free tickets to the UM Basketball game that will be played on Monday, January 30th.

*There is a Sock Drive for the needy students of Montevallo.  New socks, underwear, or T Shirt’s donation boxes are in the office and in the school cafeteria for students who would like to donate to this worthy cause. The donations need to be placed in the box before January 31st.

*The Montevallo Day of Pageants will be held on Saturday, February 11th.  Any girl K-12 wanting to participate must fill out the registration forms.  The forms are available in the MMS office.  Registration forms and fees are due to the MMS office by Friday, February 3rd.


Have a Wonderful Wednesday

January 26, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Self Control

*Quote of the Day: “We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.”

Jesse Owens


Happy Birthday:


*Tomorrow will be COTS.

* JUNA will compete today and tomorrow.

*The physical field trip is tomorrow.  Please bring your PE clothes to change into when you are called out of class to do so.

*Students please bring back your tutoring forms that were given to you on Friday. Math tutoring will begin on Monday, January 30th after school.

*Next Tuesday night is the Montevallo Chess Night at Montevallo Elementary School from 4-6 in the MES Cafeteria.

*8th Grade students:  There will be a parent meeting at Montevallo High School on Wednesday, February 15th at 6:30 pm for all 8th grade students and their parents to learn about high school graduation credits, course selections, and extra-curricular activities at the high school.

*Mrs. Moore will be accepting literary magazine submissions until the end of January. They can be poems, artwork with a writing selection, essays, or short stories.  All students are encouraged to submit something.

*Yearbooks are on sale now for a discounted price of $25.00 for the month of January. Hurry and reserve your copy before the price increases in February.  See Mrs. Harding or a yearbook member for details.

*Tomorrow students and their families will be given free tickets to the UM Basketball game that will be played on Monday, January 30th.

*There is a Sock Drive for the needy students of Montevallo.  New socks, underwear, or T Shirt’s donation boxes are in the office and in the school cafeteria for students who would like to donate to this worthy cause. The donations need to be placed in the box before January 31st.

*The Montevallo Day of Pageants will be held on Saturday, February 11th.  Any girl K-12 wanting to participate must fill out the registration forms.  The forms are available in the MMS office.  Registration forms and fees are due to the MMS office by Friday, February 3rd.


Have a Thoughtful Thursday

January 24, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Self Control

*Quote of the Day: “If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.  ~Benjamin Franklin

Happy Birthday:


*This Friday will be COTS.

*The LOT students will be on a field trip today.  JUNA will compete on Thursday and Friday of this week.

* 7th grade Scholar’s Bowl has a match today at Chelsea MS.  6th Grade has a match at Columbiana this afternoon.

*Students please bring back your tutoring forms that were given to you on Friday. Math tutoring will begin on Monday, January 30th after school.

*Students that are interested in being an athlete at MMS or MHS next year who need their current physical updated or are a current 6th or 7th grader who has never had a physical need to see coach Jett, Coach Horton or Coach Knight for a form to attend the Sports Physical Field Trip this Friday. The cost is $10.00

*Next Tuesday night is the Montevallo Chess Night at Montevallo Elementary School from 4-6 in the MES Cafeteria.

*8th Grade students:  There will be a parent meeting at Montevallo High School on Wednesday, February 15th at 6:30 pm for all 8th grade students and their parents to learn about high school graduation credits, course selections, and extra-curricular activities at the high school.

*Mrs. Moore will be accepting literary magazine submissions until the end of January. They can be poems, artwork with a writing selection, essays, or short stories.  All students are encouraged to submit something.

*Yearbooks are on sale now for a discounted price of $25.00 for the month of January. Hurry and reserve your copy before the price increases in February.  See Mrs. Harding or a yearbook member for details.

*On Friday, students and their families will be given free tickets to the UM Basketball game that will be played on Monday, January 30th.

*There is a Sock Drive for the needy students of Montevallo.  New socks, underwear, or T Shirt’s donation boxes are in the office and in the school cafeteria for students who would like to donate to this worthy cause. The donations need to be placed in the box before January 31st.

*The Montevallo Day of Pageants will be held on Saturday, February 11th.  Any girl K-12 wanting to participate must fill out the registration forms.  The forms are available in the MMS office.  Registration forms and fees are due to the MMS office by Friday, February 3rd.


Have a Terrific Tuesday

January 23, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Self Control

*Quote of the Day: “Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances”’   Thomas Jefferson

Happy Birthday: Haley Pogue


*This Friday will be COTS.

*On Friday, Students and their families will be given free tickets to the UM Basketball game that will be played on Monday, January 30th.

*8th grade Scholar’s Bowl meets today for practice and 7th grade has a match tomorrow at Chelsea MS.

*Students please bring back your tutoring forms that were given to you on Friday.

*Students that are interested in being an athlete at MMS or MHS next year who need their current physical updated or are a current 6th or 7th grader who has never had a physical need to see coach Jett, Coach Horton or Coach Knight for a form to attend the Sports Physical Field Trip.  No student can participate in athletics without a physical. We will reserve a spot for the first 100 Students that bring back the field trip form and the physical form completed with $10. The date of the trip will be Friday, January 27 at 9:30 in Alabaster. Please see any of the coaches if you have questions.

*Mrs. Moore will be accepting literary magazine submissions until the end of January. They can be poems, artwork with a writing selection, essays, or short stories.  All students are encouraged to submit something.

*Yearbooks are on sale now for a discounted price of $25.00 for the month of January. Hurry and reserve your copy before the price increases in February.  See Mrs. Harding or a yearbook member for details.

*There is a Sock Drive for the needy students of Montevallo.  New socks, underwear, or T Shirt’s donation boxes are in the office and in the school cafeteria for students who would like to donate to this worthy cause. The donations need to be placed in the box before January 31st.

*The Montevallo Day of Pageants will be held on Saturday, February 11th.  Any girl K-12 wanting to participate must fill out the registration forms.  The forms are available in the MMS office.  Registration forms and fees are due to the MMS office by Friday, February 3rd.

*Congratulations to those students who made the MMS Tennis Team:  Emily Dutton, Allie Honeycutt, Jaden Moody, Haley Pogue, Timyriana Purnell,  Veronica Ramos, Kayce Sankey, Ashley Scott, Melissa Scott, Clara Smith, Cynthia Valencia, Kali Yancy, Robert Kincaid, Brij Patel, Daniel Campbell, and Anthony Welsh.

*Congratulations to the student of the week: Jonathan Blackerby.  He was nominated by Mrs. Bishop.  Mrs. Bishop states that Jonathan performs extremely well in her class and demonstrates the character traits of respect, politeness, and cooperation.

*Congratulations to Janie Gray who is the MMS Representative for the Character in Action Award sponsored by the Shelby County Drug Coalition.  She will be honored on Wednesday.


Have a Marvelous Monday

January 20, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Tolerance

*Quote of the Day: Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding. ”

Mahatma Ghandi


Happy Birthday: Zion Dukes and Kelsey Nelson.  Saturday to Diezy Maya de la Cruz


* Today we will be on break schedule. Check with your teacher to see if you can attend.

*Students that are interested in being an athlete at MMS or MHS next year who need their current physical updated or are a current 6th or 7th grader who has never had a physical and you want to play sports,  you need to see coach Jett, Coach Horton or Coach Knight for a form to attend the Sports Physical Field Trip.  No student can participate in athletics without a physical. We will reserve a spot for the first 100 Students that bring back the field trip form and the physical form completed with $10. The date of the trip will be Friday, January 27 at 9:30 in Alabaster. Students will attend first period, then leave MMS around 9:00 and arrive back by lunch. Please see any of the coaches if you have questions.

*Mrs. Moore will be accepting literary magazine submissions until the end of January. They can be poems, artwork with a writing selection, essays, or short stories.  All students are encouraged to submit something.

*8th Graders:  If you want to order the 8th grade Panoramic picture that you took on Friday, please order on the website: PanoPhotoInc.com by this Saturday or use the mail in envelope that you received on Friday.

*Yearbooks are on sale now for a discounted price of $25.00 for the month of January. Hurry and reserve your copy before the price increases in February.  See Mrs. Harding or a yearbook member for details.

*The Montevallo Day of Pageants will be held on Saturday, February 11th.  Any girl K-12 wanting to participate must fill out the registration forms.  The forms are available in the MMS office.  Registration forms and fees are due to the MMS office by Friday, February 3rd.


Have a Fantastic Friday

January 19, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Tolerance

*Quote of the Day: Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population.” ― Albert Einstein

Happy Birthday:


*Starting today, students that are interested in being an athlete at MMS or MHS next year who need their current physical updated or are a current 6th or 7th grader who has never had a physical and you want to play sports,  you need to see coach Jett, Coach Horton or Coach Knight for a form to attend the Sports Physical Field Trip.  No student can participate in athletics without a physical. We will reserve a spot for the first 100 Students that bring back the field trip form and the physical form completed with $10. The date of the trip will be Friday, January 27 at 9:30 in Alabaster. Students will attend first period, then leave MMS around 9:00 and arrive back by lunch. Please see any of the coaches if you have questions.

* Tomorrow will be break so make sure that you don’t have any tardies or silent lunches.

*8th Graders:  If you want to order the 8th grade Panoramic picture that you took on Friday, please order on the website: PanoPhotoInc.com by this Saturday or use the mail in envelope that you received on Friday.

*Yearbooks are on sale now for a discounted price of $25.00 for the month of January. Hurry and reserve your copy before the price increases in February.  See Mrs. Harding or a yearbook member for details.

*The Montevallo Day of Pageants will be held on Saturday, February 11th.  Any girl K-12 wanting to participate must fill out the registration forms.  The forms are available in the MMS office.  Registration forms and fees are due to the MMS office by Friday, February 3rd.

Have a Thankful Thursday

January 20. 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Tolerance

*Quote of the Day: Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding. ”

Mahatma Ghandi


Happy Birthday: Zion Dukes and Kelsey Nelson.  Saturday to Diezy Maya de la Cruz


* Today we will be on break schedule. Check with your teacher to see if you can attend.


*Students that are interested in being an athlete at MMS or MHS next year who need their current physical updated or are a current 6th or 7th grader who has never had a physical and you want to play sports,  you need to see coach Jett, Coach Horton or Coach Knight for a form to attend the Sports Physical Field Trip.  No student can participate in athletics without a physical. We will reserve a spot for the first 100 Students that bring back the field trip form and the physical form completed with $10. The date of the trip will be Friday, January 27 at 9:30 in Alabaster. Students will attend first period, then leave MMS around 9:00 and arrive back by lunch. Please see any of the coaches if you have questions.

*Mrs. Moore will be accepting literary magazine submissions until the end of January. They can be poems, artwork with a writing selection, essays, or short stories.  All students are encouraged to submit something.

*8th Graders:  If you want to order the 8th grade Panoramic picture that you took on Friday, please order on the website: PanoPhotoInc.com by this Saturday or use the mail in envelope that you received on Friday.

*Yearbooks are on sale now for a discounted price of $25.00 for the month of January. Hurry and reserve your copy before the price increases in February.  See Mrs. Harding or a yearbook member for details.

*The Montevallo Day of Pageants will be held on Saturday, February 11th.  Any girl K-12 wanting to participate must fill out the registration forms.  The forms are available in the MMS office.  Registration forms and fees are due to the MMS office by Friday, February 3rd.

Have a Fantastic Friday

January 18, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Tolerance

*Quote of the Day: Never judge someone
By the way he looks
Or a book by the way it’s covered;
For inside those tattered pages,
There’s a lot to be discovered”
Stephen Cosgrove

Happy Birthday: Sarah Garcia and Bryan Wilson


*Tomorrow will be Pajama Day for $2.00 to support the wrestling team.

*Starting today, students that are interested in being an athlete at MMS or MHS next year who need their current physical updated or are a current 6th or 7th grader who has never had a physical and you want to play sports,  you need to see coach Jett, Coach Horton or Coach Knight for a form to attend the Sports Physical Field Trip.  No student can participate in athletics without a physical. We will reserve a spot for the first 100 Students that bring back the field trip form and the physical form completed with $10. The date of the trip will be Friday, January 27 at 9:30 in Alabaster. Students will attend first period, then leave MMS around 9:00 and arrive back by lunch. Please see any of the coaches if you have questions.

* Friday will be break so make sure that you don’t have any tardies or silent lunches.

*8th Graders:  If you want to order the 8th grade Panoramic picture that you took on Friday, please order on the website: PanoPhotoInc.com by this Saturday or use the mail in envelope that you received on Friday.

*Yearbooks are on sale now for a discounted price of $25.00 for the month of January. Hurry and reserve your copy before the price increases in February.  See Mrs. Harding or a yearbook member for details.

*The Montevallo Day of Pageants will be held on Saturday, February 11th.  Any girl K-12 wanting to participate must fill out the registration forms.  The forms are available in the MMS office.  Registration forms and fees are due to the MMS office by Friday, February 3rd.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday

January 17, 2017



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Tolerance

*Quote of the Day: Always try to maintain complete tolerance and always make an effort to give people more than they expect.  Scott Hamilton

Happy Birthday:


*Wednesday will be Pajama Day for $2.00 to support the wrestling team.

*This Friday will be break so make sure that you don’t have any tardies or silent lunches.

*8th Graders:  If you want to order the 8th grade Panoramic picture that you took on Friday, please order on the website: PanoPhotoInc.com by this Saturday or use the mail in envelope that you received on Friday.

*The Montevallo Day of Pageants will be held on Saturday, February 11th.  Any girl K-12 wanting to participate must fill out the registration forms.  The forms are available in the MMS office.  Registration forms and fees are due to the MMS office by Friday, February 3rd.

*7th and 8th Grade Scholar’s Bowl will practice today after school.

*The Wrestling team has a match at McAdory this afternoon

*Congratulations to the following students who made the Shelby County Honor Band: Janie Gray, Brett Terrill, Alyse Jones, Rebeca Emiliano, Luke Emiliano, and Katie Ozley.

*Congratulations to the student of the week:  Terion Lilly.  He was nominated by Ms. Davis.  Ms Davis states that Terion has demonstrated exemplary behavior recently and has taken pride and ownership in his schoolwork.


Have a Tremendous Tuesday