November 16, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Gratitude

  • *Quote of the Day: “I was complaining that I had not shoes till I met a man who had no feet.”  Confucious

Happy Birthday: Nathan Mancha, Nick Mancha and Ethan Coy


*This Friday we will have COTS and be on an activity schedule.

*There will be an FBLA meeting for students who are planning to go on tomorrow’s field trip today at 11:40. Students must bring their paperwork to go.  Only those FBLA students who are going on the trip should attend this meeting.

*The Basketball team will play tomorrow night at home against West Blocton

*Keep contributing to the coin war between Alabama and Auburn Fans. Place your coins to place in the jars this week.  The grade level with the most money raised will get free play on Friday during 4th period. So far it looks like the 6th grade is winning.

*Congratulations to the athlete of the month-Kavounte Britton.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday

November 15, 2016


*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Gratitude

  • *Quote of the Day: “Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude.  Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words.  Gratitude is shown in acts.”  Henri Frederic Amiel

Happy Birthday: Justin Becerra


*This Friday we will have COTS and be on an activity schedule.

*There will be an FBLA meeting for students who are planning to go on Thursday’s field trip Wednesday at 10:40. Students must bring their paperwork and touch base with Mrs. Thomas on Wednesday in order to attend.

*Keep contributing to the coin war between Alabama and Auburn Fans. Place your coins to place in the jars this week.  The grade level with the most money raised will get free play on Friday during 4th period. So far it looks like the 6th grade is winning.

*The basketball team is playing in Columbiana at 5pm. Thursday night the team plays at home.

*7th and 8th grade Scholar’s Bowl will meet after school today in the library.

*The DAWG HOUSE rocked last night as the boys came from behind to win a nail bitter against Bibb County.  The girls were defeated in the final quarter, but both teams played well, and we are extremely proud of them.  They play today at Columbiana and then the HOME game is this Thursdayvs. West Blocton.  Come support the basketball teams.

Have a Terrific Tuesday

November 14, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Gratitude

*Quote of the Day: As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.

John F. Kennedy


Happy Birthday:


*There is a home basketball game tonight at 5pm against Bibb County. Tomorrow night’s game is away in Columbiana.

*This Friday we will have COTS.

*Keep contributing to the coin war between Alabama and Auburn Fans. Place your coins to place in the jars this week.  The grade level with the most money raised will get free play on November 18th.

*If you are going on the FBLA field trip thisThursday, please have your money and forms to Mrs. Thomas by today.

*Congratulations to the student of the week:  Amiyah Spruel.  She was nominated by Mrs. Moore.  Mrs Moore states that Amiyah is always helping out other students in class and exhibits good citizenship and character.


Have a Marvelous Monday

November 10, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Patriotism

*Quote of the Day: If we love our country, we should also love our countrymen.

Ronald Reagan


Happy Birthday: Tomorrow to Caleb Johnson, and Brij Patel.  Saturday to Jorien Gilbert, Taven Dubose, and Alex Hays.


*There will be no school tomorrow due to Veteran’s Day

*Progress reports will go home today

*Any student that was given an archery try-out invitation needs to turn it back into Coach Jett by today.  See Coach with any questions

*Keep contributing to the coin war between Alabama and Auburn Fans. Place your coins to place in the jars this week.  The grade level with the most money raised will get free play on November 18th.

*If you are going on the FBLA field trip next Thursday, please have your money and forms to Mrs. Thomas by today or touch base with her.


Have a Thankful Thursday

November 9, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Patriotism

*Quote of the Day: “I realize that patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone”.  Edith Cavell

Happy Birthday:


*There will be no school this Friday due to Veteran’s Day

*Progress reports will go home tomorrow.

*Any student that was given an archery try-out invitation needs to turn it back into Coach Jett by this Thursday.  See Coach with any questions

*Keep contributing to the coin war between Alabama and Auburn Fans. Place your coins to place in the jars this week.  The grade level with the most money raised will get free play on November 18th.


Have a Wonderful Wednesday

November 8, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Patriotism

  • *Quote of the Day: “ A man’s country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers and woods but it is a principle and patriotism is loyalty to that principle.” George William Curtis

Happy Birthday:


*There will be no school this Friday due to Veteran’s Day

*There will be a home basketball game tonight at 5pm

*7th and 8th grade Scholar’s Bowl will practice today after school until 4:45pm.

*Progress reports will go home on Thursday.

*Keep contributing to the coin war between Alabama and Auburn Fans. Place your coins to place in the jars this week.  The grade level with the most money raised will get free play on November 18th.

Have a Tremendous Tuesday

November 07, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Patriotism

*Quote of the Day: If we love our country, we should also love our countrymen.

Ronald Reagan


Happy Birthday: Michael Sommers


*There will be no school this Friday due to Veteran’s Day

*Teachers there is a faculty meeting after school today

*There will be a home basketball game tomorrow night at 5pm

*7th and 8th grade Scholar’s Bowl will practice tomorrow after school until 4:45pm.

*Progress reports will go home on Thursday.

*Starting today we are having a coin war between Alabama and Auburn Fans. Place your coins to place in the jars this week.  The grade level with the most money raised will get free play on November 18th.

*Congratulations to the student of the week: Cole Dennis.  He was nominated by Mrs. Stallworth.  Mrs. Stallworth states that Cole is a good role model in the classroom.  He is patient and always helps out other students.  She has never heard him say a negative word about anyone.

Have a Marvelous Monday

List Serv Announcements 11/4/16

List Serv Announcements 11/4/16

*The PTO is sponsoring a Coin War this week between Alabama and Auburn Fans.  Students are encouraged to bring in coins to place in the water jugs of their favorite team.  The proceeds will go to the MMS PTO fund.  The grade level with the most donations will get free play time in the gym on November 18th.

*Progress reports will come home on Thursday.

*There will be no school on Friday in observance of Veteran’s Day.

*There will be a home basketball game on Tuesday beginning at 5pm.

*After Thanksgiving Break, MMS will begin its Angel Tree program in which MMS will sponsor Christmas gifts for needy students.  If any parent or organization is willing to help sponsor a student or students, please contact Ms. Fenn at MMS.

*MMS also sponsors the Treasure House that allows needy students who are on the Angel Tree to “shop” (without money of course) for gifts for their parents and/or siblings.  If you have any new or gently used items that you would be willing to donate to this cause, please contact Ms. Fenn or Mrs. Green at MMS. We would need the items by December 5th.

*MMS needs as many parents as possible to complete a survey called the Speak Up Survey.  Please click on the link below to take part in the survey.

PTO Corner:

*MMS has a new Facebook Page to help communicate current events and information. Like and share Montevallo Middle School PTO’s page.

*The PTO would like to thank Water Way in Birmingham for donating the water jugs for the Coin War.

Congratulations to the student of the week:  Breanna Williams

Congratulations to the MMS Faculty Person of the Month:  Zachary Banks

November 4, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Citizenship

*Quote of the Day:

Happy Birthday: Saturday to Amari King and Molly Myers.  Sunday to Hunter Kennemer and Kathelyn Tejeda.


*Today we will be on break schedule.

*There will be a mandatory softball meeting for the girls who made the team today after school to get your jerseys.

*Please congratulate the girls and boys for their win last night against West Minster.  Both teams played well, and we are very proud of them.  If you  want to catch the next home game, it will be on Tuesday, Nov. 8 vs. Jemison starting at 5.  Go Dawgs!!!

*Starting on Monday, we are having a coin war between Alabama and Auburn Fans. Save up your coins to place in the jars next week.  The grade level with the most money raised will get free play on November 18th.


Have a Fantastic Friday

November 3, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Citizenship

*Quote of the Day: In the face of impossible odds, people who love this country can change it.”
Barack Obama

Happy Birthday:


*Tomorrow we will be on break schedule.

*There will be a mandatory softball meeting for the girls who made the team tomorrow after school to get your jerseys.

*Tonight there will be a home basketball beginning at 5pm.

*Next week we are starting a coin war between Alabama and Auburn Fans. Save up your coins to place in the jars next week.  The grade level with the most money raised will get free play on November 18th.

 Have a Thankful Thursday