November 2, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Citizenship

*Quote of the Day: “Every good citizen makes his country’s honor his own and cherishes it not only as precious but as sacred”  Andrew Jackson

Happy Birthday:


*Friday will be break, so don’t have any tardies or silent lunches this week.

*Congratulations to the boy’s basketball team for winning 41-27 against Marbury last night.   It was a great game.  If you missed it, please come out and see the game at MMS on Thursday vs. West Minster starting at 5pm.

*Next week we are starting a coin war between Alabama and Auburn Fans. Save up your coins to place in the jars next week.  The grade level with the most money raised will get free play on November 18th.

 Have a Wonderful Wednesday

November 1, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Citizenship

*Quote of the Day: “The noblest question in the world is: What good may I do in it”  Benjamin Franklin

Happy Birthday:


*Friday will be break, so don’t have any tardies or silent lunches this week.

*The first basketball home game will be tonight at 5pm.

*There will be no 7th and 8th grade Scholar’s Bowl practice today as Ms. Fenn has a meeting after school.

*Many of the 6th graders will be at Camp Hargis this week.

*The office will be sending in Box Tops this week so this is your last chance to turn them in for a free tardy to class pass.

Have a Terrific Tuesday

October 31, 2016




*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Citizenship

*Quote of the Day: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”  John F Kennedy

Happy Birthday:


*Friday will be break so don’t have any tardies or silent lunches this week.

*The first basketball home game will be tomorrow, November 1st at 5pm.

*Many of the 6th graders will be at Camp Hargis this week.

*The office will be sending in Box Tops this week so this is your last chance to turn them in for a free tardy to class pass.

*Congratulations to the student of the week: Breana Williams.  She was nominated by Ms. Jackson.  Ms. Jackson states that Breana demonstrates the character qualities of service and compassion.  Breana always is willing to help out other students in class.


Have a Magical, Mysterious Monday and a Safe Halloween tonight.

October 28, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Red Ribbon Week

*Quote of the Day: Drug Use is Life Abuse

Happy Birthday: Saturday to Janie Gray and Kanden Cleckley. Sunday to Parker McKinney and Cory Jones


*No students should wear costumes on Monday to school.

*FCCLA will be selling Boo Grams this week for $1.00 in the lunchroom. The Boo Grams will be delivered Monday, October 31st.

*Today will be COTS so we will be on an activity schedule.  If you are assigned intervention COTS, your teachers will let you know.

*8th graders will be going to Future Falcon Day today.  Make sure that you brought a lunch or have told Mrs. Whitt that you need one from the cafeteria.

*The first basketball home game will be on Tuesday, November 1st at 5pm.

*The office will be sending in Box Tops next week so turn in your box tops if you have them.

 Have a Freak Friday

October 27, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Red Ribbon Week

·        *Quote of the Day: I’ve got too much swag … using drugs is a drag!

Happy Birthday:


*No students should wear costumes on Monday to school.

*FCCLA will be selling Boo Grams this week and next week for $1.00 in the lunchroom. The Boo Grams will be delivered on Monday, October 31st.

*Tomorrow will be COTS so we will be on an activity schedule.  If you are assigned intervention COTS, your teachers will let you know.

*8th graders will be going to Future Falcon Day tomorrow.  Make sure that you bring a lunch or have told Mrs. Whitt that you need one from the cafeteria.

*Tomorrow is “Sock it to Drugs” and you can wear crazy socks in honor of Red Ribbon Week.  8th graders will get their Future Falcon Shirts to wear.

*The office will be sending in Box Tops next week so turn in your box tops if you have them.


 Have a Thrilling Thursday

October 26, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Red Ribbon Week

·        *Quote of the Day: Take a Stand for a Drug Free Land

Happy Birthday: Lucas Mitchell


*No students should wear costumes on Monday to school.

*FCCLA will be selling Boo Grams this week and next week for $1.00 in the lunchroom. The Boo Grams will be delivered on Monday, October 31st.

*Friday will be COTS.  Also the 8th graders will be going to Future Falcon Day on Friday.  Make sure you have given Mrs. Whitt Wright your permission slip.

*This week is Red Ribbon Week.  You may sign the Pledge to Be Drug Free sign in the halls today. Tomorrow will be “Put a Cap on Drugs” and you can wear a hat to school, and Friday will be “Sock it to Drugs” and you can wear crazy socks.

*The office will be sending in Box Tops next week so turn in your box tops if you have them.


 Have a Wicked Wednesday

October 25, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Red Ribbon Week

·        *Quote of the Day: Be a chooser not a loser…Choose to be Drug Free

Happy Birthday: Greer Robinson


*FCCLA will be selling Boo Grams this week and next week for $1.00 in the lunchroom. The Boo Grams will be delivered on Monday, October 31st.

*Friday will be COTS.  Also the 8th graders will be going to Future Falcon Day on Friday.  Make sure you have given Mrs. Whitt Wright your permission slip.

The A/B Honor Roll Party will be today at 1:30pm.

*This week is Red Ribbon Week.  Tomorrow there will be Sign the Pledge to be Drug Free in the hallways.  Thursday will be “Put a Cap on Drugs” and you can wear a hat to school, and Friday will be “Sock it to Drugs” and you can wear crazy socks.

*There will be a Parent Outreach night tonight at Montevallo High School at 6pm.  If your parents attend, they have a chance to win a big screen TV.

*The office will be sending in Box Tops next week so turn in your box tops if you have them.

*7th Grade Scholars Bowl will meet after school today.

Have a Tremendous Tuesday

October 24, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Red Ribbon Week

  • *Quote of the Day: “Give your loved ones hope, stay away from dope”.  Red Ribbon Week is an anti Drug and Alcohol campaign started in 1985 when DEA agent Enrique  Camerena was killed by drug gang violence and people wore red ribbons  in his honor as a symbol of the death and destruction that drugs cause people.   This year’s theme is YOLO-You only live once.

Happy Birthday:


*We will have an activity this morning at 10am.  Please be on your best behavior at the assembly.

*FCCLA will be selling Boo Grams this week and next week for $1.00 in the lunchroom. The Boo Grams will be delivered on Monday, October 31st.

*Friday will be COTS.  Also the 8th graders will be going to Future Falcon Day on Friday.  Make sure you have given Mrs. Whitt Wright your permission slip.

The A/B Honor Roll Party will be Tuesday at 1:30pm.

*This week is Red Ribbon Week.  Tomorrow will be wear Red Day.  Wednesday will be Sign the Pledge to be Drug Free.  Thursday will be “Put a Cap on Drugs” and you can wear a hat to school, and Friday will be “Sock it to Drugs” and you can wear crazy socks.

*There will be a Parent Outreach night tomorrow night at Montevallo High School at 6pm.

*The office will be sending in Box Tops next week so turn in your box tops if you have them.

*Congratulations to the student of the week: Anthony Welsh.  He was nominated by Mrs. Fenn.  Anthony demonstrated the character trait of compassion when he offered to loan a new student the use of his trombone in band class.

Have a Marvelous Monday

October 21, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Optimism (Positive Attitude)

  • *Quote of the Day: A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” ― Winston S. Churchill

Happy Birthday: Tomorrow to Greer Robinson and Sunday to Lucas Mitchell


*The MMS volleyball team will meet at UM on Friday night at 6pm to cheer on the Falcons

*FCCLA will be selling Boo Grams this week and next week for $1.00 in the lunchroom. The Boo Grams will be delivered on Monday, October 31st.

*Today we will be on break schedule.

The A/B Honor Roll Party will be Tuesday (October 25th) at 1:30 pm.

*Next week is Red Ribbon Week.  On Monday we will have an assembly. Tuesday will be wear Red Day.  Wednesday will be Sign the Pledge to be Drug Free.  Thursday will be “Put a Cap on Drugs” and you can wear a hat to school, and Friday will be “Sock it to Drugs” and you can wear crazy socks.

*The office will be sending in Box Tops the first of November so turn in your box tops if you have them.

Have a Fantastic Friday

October 20, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Optimism (Positive Attitude)

  • *Quote of the Day: Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” ― Dr. Seuss

Happy Birthday:


*There will be a Montevallo Chess Night tonight from 4-6pm at the Montevallo Middle School library.  Bring your parents out and play a game of chess with them.

*FCCLA will be selling Boo Grams this week and next week for $1.00 in the lunchroom. The Boo Grams will be delivered on Monday, October 31st.

*Tomorrow will break so make sure that you do not have any tardies or silent lunches this week.

The A/B Honor Roll Party will be next Tuesday (October 25th) at 1:30pm.

*Next week is Red Ribbon Week.  On Monday we will have an assembly. Tuesday will be wear Red Day.  Wednesday will be Sign the Pledge to be Drug Free.  Thursday will be “Put a Cap on Drugs” and you can wear a hat to school, and Friday will be “Sock it to Drugs” and you can wear crazy socks.

*The office will be sending in Box Tops the first of November so turn in your box tops if you have them.

*Teachers don’t forget your items for the Fall Social tomorrow.

Have a Thankful Thursday