October 19, 2016


*Character Education Theme of the Week: Optimism (Positive Attitude)
o *Quote of the Day: “Ask yourself the question, ‘Can’t we win?’ Then, say, ‘Yes, we’re gonna win!’” Charlie Brown (Charles M. Schulz)

Happy Birthday: Chris Garcia and Imari Head
*There will be a Montevallo Chess Night tomorrow night from 4-6pm at the Montevallo Middle School library. Bring your parents out and play a game of chess with them.
*FCCLA will be selling Boo Grams this week and next week for $1.00 in the lunchroom. The Boo Grams will be delivered on Monday, October 31st.
*This Friday will break so make sure that you do not have any tardies or silent lunches this week.
*The Perfect Attendance Party for students who had perfect attendance for the first 9 weeks will be today during 4th period. Please check with your teachers to see if your name is on the list. The A/B Honor Roll Party will be next Tuesday (October 25th) at 1:30pm.
*Next week is Red Ribbon Week. On Monday we will have an assembly.

Tuesday will be wear Red Day.

Wednesday will be Sign the Pledge to be Drug Free.

Thursday will be “Put a Cap on Drugs” and you can wear a hat to school, and Friday will be “Sock it to Drugs” and you can wear crazy socks.
*The office will be sending in Box Tops the first of November so turn in your box tops if you have them

Have a Wonderful Wednesday

October 17, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Optimism (Positive Attitude)

*Quote of the Day:  “Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.”  Colin Powell

Happy Birthday: This past weekend to Landon Kornegay and Bayton Whalen


*Tryouts for Softball will begin today from 6-8pm at Orr Park.

* Wednesday will be Pajama Day to support the United Way.  The donation is $2.00 to wear your pajamas.

*7th Grade Scholar’s Bowl Tryouts will be this Tuesday (Tomorrow) after school until 4:45 pm. Please make sure that your parents will be able to pick you up at 4:45pm.  The 8th grade Scholar’s Bowl Team will also practice tomorrow until 4:45pm.

*There will be a Montevallo Chess Night on Thursday night from 4-6pm at the Montevallo Middle School library.  Bring your parents out and play a game of chess with them.

*This Friday will break so make sure that you do not have any tardies or silent lunches this week.

*The Perfect Attendance Party for students who had perfect attendance for the first 9 weeks will be Wednesday during 4th period.   The A/B Honor Roll Party will be the following Tuesday (October 25th) at 1pm.

*The office will be sending in Box Tops the first of November so turn in your box tops if you have them

*Congratulations to the student of the week:  Migdalia Lopez.  She was nominated by Mrs. Green.  Mrs. Green states that Migdalia demonstrates outstanding leadership skills on a daily basis.  She also helped Mrs. Green organize the Hispanic Heritage facts for the month and helped to create a media display honoring famous Hispanic Americans.

Have a Marvelous Monday

Montevallo Parent Outreach Night

      Montevallo Parent Outreach Night

      Montevallo High School Auditorium at 6:00 pm

                       Tuesday, October 25

6:00 – Informational tables

6:30 – Program begins


Jan Corbett-Welcome, recognize special guests, introduce all presenters

Captain Tim Alexander-words especially for Montevallo parents

SRO Brandon Pendergrass- What’s going on in Montevallo Schools

Clay Hammac-current drug trends in SC/Montevallo

Lonnie Layton-parenting tips-drug testing

Zina Cartwell-how to help your child with their self-esteem which leads to making good decisions

Lauren Sisler – share her story/or show her video

Alan Miller-wrap it up and share about Compact 2020 initiative

*All presenters on the stage at the end for a time of Q & A.


Sponsored by:

Montevallo Police Department

Shelby County Drug Free Coalition

Compact 2020

Shelby County District Attorney’s Office

Shelby County Drug Enforcement Task Force

Montevallo High School

Shelby County Schools


Weekly Announcements

*Report cards will come home today.  If your child is failing, please contact the school to set up an appointment to meet with his or her teachers.

*Tryouts for Softball will begin on Monday from 6-8pm at Orr Park.  Girls must have completed a tryout packet turned into Coach Jett today as well as have a current physical on file.

*The last MMS football game will be at Fultondale on Tuesdayat 5:30 pm.

*We will be having a Pajama Day on Wednesday, October 19th.  The $2.00 donation will go the United Way.

*Community Chess Night will be on Thursday, October 20th at MMS from 4-6pm in the MMS library. Please come out and support your children and the chess program.

*Ms Fenn will hold tryouts for the 7th grade Scholar’s Bowl Team this Tuesday after school until 4:45pm.  The 8th grade Scholar’s Team will begin practice on Tuesdays until 4:45pm.  Parents will need to pick up their child at 4:45pm.

*The first 9 weeks’ Perfect Attendance Party will be held on Wednesday during 4th period, and the first 9 weeks’ Honor Roll Party will be held on October 25th.

*Red Ribbon Week will be the week of October 24th.  Students will be asked to wear Red on Tuesday, October 25th, in honor of Red Ribbon Week.  On Thursday, students will be able to wear a hat for “Put a Cap on Drugs” and on Friday, students will wear crazy socks for “Sock it to Drugs Day”.

*Attached to this email is a flyer about a Community Outreach Night held at Montevallo High School on Tuesday, October 25th.  There will be many guest speakers and information will be presented about the current trends with drugs and how to help teenagers with self esteem.

*The 8th grade will go on a field trip to the University of Montevallo for Future Falcon Day on Friday, October 28th.  Your child should bring home a permission slip this coming week.


PTO Corner:

*Athletic Day has been postponed due to a scheduling conflict with United Way Pajama Day–Oct 19th.

*Staff Snack Day is Wednesday, Oct 19th. If you are interested in sending a snack or have questions, please contact Deidre @ 205 451-9439 orhdmonk12@charter.net. This is a great opportunity to thank our great Teachers and Staff for all they do at MMS for our children.

The 1st Honor Roll Party for the children is Tuesday, Oct 25th. PTO is excited to have the opportunity to sponsor this function for the children at school


*Congratulations to the student of the week:  Brantley Burk

*Congratulations to the teacher of the month: Ashley Davis

October 14, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Self Respect

*Quote of the Day:  I cannot conceive of a greater loss than the loss of one’s self-respect.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

Happy Birthday:


*We are on a regular schedule today.

*Tryouts for Softball will begin next week October 17-20th  from 6-8pm at Orr Park.

*Report cards will go home today.

*Student Institute members need to turn their permission slips into Mr. Weeks by today.

*The LOT students will be out today for a field trip.

*Next Wednesday will be Pajama Day to support the United Way.  The donation is $2.00 to wear your pajamas.

*The office will be sending in Box Tops the first of November so turn in your box tops if you have them

*Congratulations to the athlete for the month of September:  Allie Honeycutt

Have a Fantastic Friday

October 13, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Self Respect

*Quote of the Day:  “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life — is the source from which self-respect springs.” ― Joan Didion

Happy Birthday: Braden Hall


*Tryouts for Softball will begin next week October 17-20th  from 6-8pm at Orr Park.  Girls must have completed a tryout packet turn them into Coach Jett by today as well as a current physical on file.

*The football team plays in Marbury tonight at 5:30pm.

*Report cards will go home tomorrow.

*Student Institute members need to turn their permission slips into Mr. Weeks by tomorrow.

*The LOT students will be out on Friday for a field trip.

*The office will be sending in Box Tops the first of November so turn in your box tops if you have them

*Congratulations to the athlete for the month of September:  Allie Honeycutt

Have a Thoughtful Thursday

October 12, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Self Respect

*Quote of the Day:  Self-respect is the root of discipline: The sense of dignity grows
with the ability to say no to oneself.” ― Abraham Joshua Heschel

Happy Birthday:


*Tryouts for Softball will begin next week October 17-20th  from 6-8pm at Orr Park.  Girls must have completed a tryout packet turn them into Coach Jett by tomorrow as well as a current physical on file.

*Soccer conditioning will begins today until 4pm.  You must have a current physical and consent form to participate.

*School pictures are due back by today.

*The office will be sending in Box Tops the first of November so turn in your box tops if you have them.

*There will be a football game in Marbury tomorrow.

*Report cards will go home on Friday.

*Student Institute members need to turn their permission slips into Mr. Weeks by Friday.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday

October 11, 2016



*Character Education Theme of the Week:  Self Respect

*Quote of the Day:  When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you. Lao Tzu

Happy Birthday: Hunter Bass


*We have extra 12 oz bags of Pecan’s (pieces only) $12.00 a bag. See or call  Mrs. Snyder if you are interested in purchasing a bag. 205-682-6410

*Tryouts for Softball will begin next week October 17-20th  from 6-8pm at Orr Park.  Girls must have completed a tryout packet turn them into Coach Jett by October 13th as well as a current physical on file.

*Soccer conditioning will begin this Wednesday, October 12th until 4pm.  You must have a current physical and consent form to participate.

*School pictures are due back by this Wednesday, October 12th.

*The office will be sending in Box Tops the first of November so turn in your box tops if you have them.

*There will be a football game in Marbury on Thursday

*Congratulations to the student of the week:  Brantley Burk.  He was nominated by Mrs. Lewis.  Mrs. Lewis states that


Have a Terrific Tuesday

Week of October 3-7 Announcements

*There will be no school on Monday due to a teacher workday.  There will be no football practice on Monday.

*Report cards will come home on Friday, October 14th.

*School picture money is due on Wednesday, Oct 12th.

*Soccer Conditioning begins Wednesday, October 12th and will last until 4pm.

*Tryouts for Softball will begin next week October 17-20th   from 6-8pm at Orr Park.  Girls must have completed a tryout packet turned into Coach Jett by October 13th as well as have a current physical on file.

*There will be an away football game on Thursday at Marbury.

PTO Corner:

Thank you to all parent volunteers that helped with the Book Fair this week.

*Next Athletic Day- Oct 18th-More info to come

*Next Staff Snack Day-Oct 19th-More info to come

*1st Honor Roll Party-Oct 20th-More info to come

  Congratulations to the student of the week:  Wesley Burdett

*Congratulations to the teacher of the year for MMS:  Coach Horton