Blood Drive today…students are not allowed to go unless called for by the office.
* Juniors and Seniors: See Ms. Allen today if you are interested in being considered for Camp Fire Mentors.
* Yearbooks can be ordered beginning December 9th until January 10th. The total cost is $40. No partial payments will be accepted this year. Several students have already ordered and paid for their books during registration this summer. There will be a list of those who have paid outside Ms. Ham’s door by Friday. Payments should be given to Ms. Ham in room 303A in the Alice Boyd Building before 1st period or during 7th period. You do NOT want to miss out on this wonderful
keepsake and the best yearbook EVER!!!!
* Who’s Who, class favorites, SGA officers and class representatives, volleyball team, and girls & boys basketball team pictures will be made on Wednesday, December 11 beginning at 8:30. All Senior Who’s Who, Senior class favorites, Junior class favorites, Sophomore class favorites, Freshman class favorites, and SGA officers & class representatives will need to pick up a permission letter from Ms. Ham or the main office before Friday of this week in order to walk to the
University of Montevallo campus for pictures. Sports teams will receive further information from your coaches.
* FBLA TOY DRIVE: Any new toys may be dropped off in the box located in the main foyer.