MHS News 4/14/2014

Cheerleader try-outs have been postponed until May 2. Sign-up deadline extended until April 28th. Packets available in the main office.
April 18th will be the last day to purchase prom tickets. Please see Ms. Pritchett.
Students in grades 9 & 11 have been chosen to participate in a voluntary PRIDE questionnaire on April 16.
Information letters are being sent home with your student explaining the survey. You may opt to send a refusal for your child’s participation. This refusal must be in writing to the main office before April 15th.
Tomorrow at 8:30 a.m., all GRC Juniors will meet with a representative from the University of Montevallo to learn more about the benefits UM offers GRC students. Teachers will be sent the list of eligible students.
Attention Juniors: Montevallo High currently does not have an Alabama Boys State or Alabama Girls State representative.
We have too many talented leaders in our school for us not to be represented at these programs this summer. Interested students should see Ms. Allen as soon as possible.
Attention AP Students: The AP Pre-Session will be held Thursday, April 17 during 4th period in the cafeteria. Any student currently enrolled in an AP class must take part in the pre-session.
Adj: requiring much sitting; little exercise
A sedentary life style can lead to future
health problems.
MHS Daily News
April 14, 2014
28 Days to Summer
Michael McKenzie

About Anita Glover

I am a alumni of Montevallo High and the University of Montevallo. I have been a teacher at Montevallo Elementary for 10 years, a librarian at Creek View Elementary for 5 years and have been the librarian at Montevallo High School for several years now. It's exciting to be working at the same school I went to many years ago.

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