Cheerleader try-outs have been postponed until May 2. Sign-up deadline extended until April 28th. Packets avail-able in the main office.
Friday is the last day to purchase prom tickets. Please see Ms. Pritchett.
Today at 8:30 a.m., all GRC Juniors will meet with a representative from the University of Montevallo to learn more about the benefits UM offers GRC students. Teachers will be sent the list of eligible students.
Attention Juniors: Montevallo High currently does not have an Alabama Boys State or Alabama Girls State repre-sentative. We have too many talented leaders in our school for us not to be represented at these programs this sum-mer. Interested students should see Ms. Allen as soon as possible.
Attention AP Students: The AP Pre-Session will be held Thursday during 4th period in the cafeteria. Any student currently enrolled in an AP class must take part in the pre-session.
Boys Basketball tryouts for the MHS Junior Varsity and Varsity Teams for the 2014-15 season will be held on Wednesday, April 23 and Thursday, April 24 from 3:30 – 5:30pm at the High School Gym. You must see Coach Dickinson to sign up BEFORE Friday, April 18.
Picnic Table Reminders:
1) First priority seating is reserved for Seniors! Underclassmen may fill in after that. Lunch teachers will determine which privileged students are allowed to sit outside.
2) Keep the area clean! Each lunch session should clean up their trash. Any trash left outside at the end of the lunch period will result in a loss of privilege to eat outside the next “pretty” day.
Mrs. Hinton will host a study session to review for the AP Language exam today from 3:00 -6:00 pm. The pur-pose is to deconstruct the mock exam for those who missed last Saturday’s session. Other AP Language students may attend for extra credit.
Future Teachers Officer Applications are due by April 23rd. See Mrs. Cabrera
First priority will be Thursday morning this week.