Cheerleader try-outs have been postponed until May 2. Sign-up deadline extended
until April 28th. Packets available in the main office.
This is a reminder that ACT testing will resume today. Please review the coverage plan that was emailed to you yesterday afternoon. The bells will be off and the library will be closed.
Juniors: Ms. Allen would like to thank you for the maturity and perseverance you showed during yesterday’s ACT test session. Your effort and cooperation was truly appreciated.
Please make sure that we have your correct address on file with Ms. Lamonica. Final
reports cards & summer registration info will be mailed home.
AP Students: Remember that TOMORROW is the deadline to submit your early dismissal permission forms to Ms. Allen. AP Fees are also past due!
Teachers and Students: End of Course Testing will take place with English 10 on
Monday and Algebra I & IB on Tuesday. All students enrolled in these classes must
participate in testing!
Attention Seniors: You should have received your cap & gown picture proofs either today or tomorrow from Mr. Galloway. Please remember that the deadline to return the proofs, along with your order form and money, if you purchase any, is Wednesday, April 30th. If not returned by that date, you will not receive your picture package by the end of the school year. You may give your order to Ms. Ham or Mrs. Eades.