*Girls’ Soccer Team 2nd round of play-offs will be tonight at 6:30pm at the football stadium. Adm: $6.00 Come out and show your support!
*Please make sure that we have your correct address on file with Ms. Lamonica.
Final reports cards & summer registration info will be mailed home.
*The Montevallo football team golf tournament has been canceled for this Saturday.
*Please check out the Lost & Found in the main office! Any items left after tomorrow will be donated to the thrift store.
WORD of the Week: DETAIN
To keep from proceeding; delay, retard
Inferior grades should not detain students from resuming hard work and worthy goals.
MHS Daily News
May 1, 2014
16 School Days to Summer Break!
Alondra De La Cruz
Jaret Yancey
Diamond Farrington
Hosea Brown
Delaney Lowery