Let’s Settle This! There will be a grade level/ faculty basket-ball game on Friday, May 9th 7 & 8th periods. Adm: $2.00 to watch $3.00 to play The 2 top grade levels with the highest scores will compete for the championship! Sign up to play with Coach D. Tickets to watch will be sold during 5th pe-riod lunch.
Please make sure that we have your correct address on file with Ms. Lamonica.
Final reports cards & summer registration info will be mailed home.
Seniors: Please fill out the transcript request forms located outside the counselor’s office if you plan to attend college after graduation.
Attention Students: Lawson State Community College will host a Robotics Academy this sum-mer for rising 10th, 11th, and 12th, grade students. Interested students can see Ms. Allen for an application. The deadline is June 30 and scholarships are available.
WORD of the Week: WHET
Verb: to sharpen as a knife; to make keen or eager
Successful students whet their academic
skills by practicing them every day.
MHS Daily News
May 8, 2014
11 School Days to Summer Break!
Austin Smith
Aquil Farrington
Sr. Matthew Allen