There will be a grade level/ faculty basketball game today during 7 th & 8th periods. Adm: $2.00 to watch $3.00 to play Tickets to watch will be sold during 5th period lunch. If you think you can beat the following teachers…sign up with Coach D: Mr. Moseley, Ms. Brit-nell, Coach Simpson, Coach Grayson, Coach D, Coach Zow, Coach Nelson, Ms. Pritch-ett, Coach Mizzell, Mrs. Williams, & Dr. Hester.
Please make sure that we have your correct address on file with Ms. Lamonica.
Final reports cards & summer registration info will be mailed home.
Seniors: Please fill out the transcript request forms located outside the counselor’s office if you plan to attend college after graduation.
Attention Students: Lawson State Community College will host a Robotics Academy this sum-mer for rising 10th, 11th, and 12th, grade students. Interested students can see Ms. Allen for an application. The deadline is June 30 and scholarships are available.
Yearbooks will be given out on Monday at the beginning of 7th period in the cafeteria. After you have received your yearbook we will hold a yearbook signing in the front of the main building at the picnic tables. Kona Ice will be here to sale refreshments. This will be during 7th period only.
Student Government Elections will be held next Thursday! Check out the campaign posters and be ready to vote for the most qualified candidates. Think of who you want to represent you in helping improve our school- don’t just vote based on popularity!!!!
All students running for representative or a study body office need to turn in their applications to Mrs. Pastor by the end of the day today!!!
All senior AP Literature students need to check their lockers, cars, and homes for AP novels. Mrs. Howard knows you want to re-read them over the summer break, especially The Awakening, but you don’t want next year’s group to miss out. Please return all novels to Mrs. Howard as soon as possible.